Rosenhouse got interested in creationism when he went to Kansas State University for his post-doctorate studies.
FORBES: An Atheist Reports Back on His Tour Among Creationists
The proposed science standards in Kansas won't require teachers to talk about creationism or intelligent design.
One such school that teaches creationism as a science is the respected Islamic Karimia Institute in Nottingham.
Books on certain subjects, such as creationism, conspiracy theories and new-age archaeology, spawn torrents of argumentative comments.
But now to the real crux of the matter- whether creationism is bad science and bad theology.
FORBES: Kentucky Cuts Education; Preserves Tax Breaks For Creationist Theme Park
Hmm, I find it funny that America lead in science back when creationism was an accepted theory.
Just this week, I saw the first mention of it when someone asked him a question about creationism.
"The author suggests that science teachers cannot ignore creationism when teaching origins, but the opposite is true, " she said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers 'fear evolution lessons'
But Jindal has backed the teaching of creationism in Louisiana public schools in a pander to conservative populists.
Both the theory of evolution and creationism have valid scientific strengths and weaknesses.
Darwin's theory of evolution is being whittled away and creationism is seeping in.
He supports new government guidelines which say creationism should not be discussed in science classes unless it is raised by pupils.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers 'fear evolution lessons'
Turkey has a strong secular core, and so I met with many professors who shared concerns about creationism creeping into schools.
He compares thinking otherwise to believing in a flat earth or creationism.
Any beliefs he thought pseudoscientific, such as homeopathy, Scientology, creationism, anthroposophy, spoon-bending, astrology and flying saucers, he would dismiss with cool efficiency.
One last thing, you say that America lags in science and that we are doing our children a diservice by teaching creationism.
Just a few days ago, the Indiana state Senate passed a bill, sponsored by Republican Dennis Kruse, that required the teaching of creationism.
On the other side of the Pacific, the battles tend to focus on moral and faith-based issues, like abortion, creationism and same sex marriage.
At issue is whether this innocuous-sounding measure is actually a back door that would allow teachers to introduce creationism and intelligent design into science classrooms.
The reason they want to do that is because in 1987, the US Supreme Court ruled that creationism could not be taught in science class.
Cindy goes on to defend Palin's stances on creationism and abortion.
NPR: Two Weeks Of Non-Stop Political Action Sets Off Bloggers
Nearly half of those polled supported either creationism or intelligent design.
"It would be evolution vs. creationism, " said Kovacs, drawing a bizarre parallel with the famous 1925 Scopes trial on the validity of the theory of evolution.
Current Creationism has refused to teach the truth of the Genesis text, and either teaches foolishness (young Earth), or false doctrines (non-literal reading of the text).
Teachers could discuss how creationism differed from scientific theory if a student brought up the subject, but any further discussion should occur in religious education lessons, she said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers 'fear evolution lessons'
The scientist, who is also a Church of England priest, adds that any teaching should not give the impression that creationism and the theory of evolution are equally valid scientifically.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers 'fear evolution lessons'
To address the growing concern about Islam and creationism (among other issues), Shakir launched the first of six seminars on Islam and Science at the University of Iowa last month.
FORBES: Meeting The Challenge Of Science For Muslims On Campus
Good journalism is not served by creating a kind of moral equivalence between those who hold extreme, ideological, discredited anti-biotech views and those with legitimate, scientifically defensible viewpoints--not unlike equating creationism with Darwinian theory.
But it is hard to see how a woman who supports the teaching of creationism rather than contraception, and who is soon to become a 44-year-old grandmother, helps him with soccer moms in the Philadelphia suburbs.
Many state and federal court cases have not only prohibited the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in public-school classrooms, but have also restrained teachers from introducing arguments against evolution in contravention of a school district's curriculum.