The Greek political class already looks quite detached from the people - many Greeks joke that Mr Papandreou himself speaks better Swedish than Greek, and is not alone in having swapped Greek "cred" for Anglo-Saxon "cred".
If anything, PETA proved their "console-cred" on their blog, stating that they usually side with gamers against anti-videogame mogul Jack Thompson, who most recently condemned Wendy's for releasing Nintendo Wii toys.
However, unlike previous so-called alternative hip-hop artists like Arrested Development or Will Smith, West never lost street cred with hip-hop's A list.
You want a figure who has some street-cred on both sides of the aisle.
This includes numerous, enthusiastic professional recommendations as well as a thriving blog relating to your professional skills to boost your G-cred.
FORBES: Small Business Owners Gain Credibility from High Quality Client Feedback
With boyish good-looks and a rebel's cred (he dropped out of high-school and races rally cars) he's become one of China's more popular and recognizable bloggers, where the Internet is an increasingly popular forum for self-expression.
Director Sam Rami brings along some fan-boy cred but the film is (seemingly) OK for kids as well as adults.
FORBES: Hollywood Needs 'Oz The Great And Powerful' To Prop Up A Slumping Box Office
The Hindenburg Omen may not be the holy grail the bears might like, but it still has plenty of street cred as a wake-up call.
She is a rapper's rapper, a master of flow and punch lines, with skills to please the most exacting gatekeepers of hip-hop street cred.
No surprise, then, that Tesla has outfitted the walls of this new dealership with large prints of its very own manufacturing process -- probably not earning it much cred in the 'hood.
Getting attention in bars and at tourist spots, the theory goes, would build up the street cred so crucial among a precious wireless demographic--young professionals in their late 20s and early 30s with a high gadget-lust quotient and cash to spend.
You see, it only helps build Ryan's "street cred" that he's not popular with groups that attract so many anti-Latino nativists.
The survey also shows that hotels could do a better job of publicizing their green cred. 64 percent of respondents said that they rarely or never feel informed about whether hotels are truly eco-friendly.
FORBES: Survey: Two-Thirds Of Travelers Want Green Hotels. Here's How To Book Them.