Nor, with credit tight and consumers keen to rebuild their balance-sheets, is it likely that greater confidence will boost private spending much.
For one thing, with credit tight in America as corporate profits there tumble, they could add some welcome liquidity to America's thirsty markets.
The company reported a loss in the second quarter due to an increase in credit defaults at a time when the government is keeping credit tight to check inflation.
But pawnshop owners say more upscale clientele are responding to a different kind of economic pressure: With credit tight, even the rich can't always get a traditional loan on short notice.
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When credit is tight as it is now, they can be stagnant for years.
When credit gets tight, these intermediaries tend to come out of the woodwork.
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What matters more than investors' pain is that credit is tight and will remain so until the worst is known.
Most of those who try to sell are unable to find willing buyers because credit is tight and home prices keep falling.
When credit is tight in a recession, even profitable firms can find it harder to raise money to finance restructuring or new investment.
He said during the real-estate boom, sales were driven up by "artful credit conditions, but now with tight credit, "prices are more real.
But with yields on ten-year Treasurys stuck near a skimpy 4.2% and credit spreads tight compared with historic norms, this has not been a happy time for fixed incomes.
September's retail figures reinforce the position that consumers will keep cutting back on spending as jobs continue to vanish, credit stays tight, housing stays down and broader macroeconomic conditions remain difficult, despite the recent drops in food and energy prices.
Demand for safety has risen, as tight credit access pushes households and some businesses to increase saving.
Inflation and tight credit are proving to be the two big economic issues in China this year.
For smaller companies, credit is still tight and low interest rates have not induced the robust job growth.
Limitations on housing construction are weak job growth, tight credit standards for home buyers, and developer financing challenges.
Tight credit markets at home and sluggish markets outside China made everyone cautious.
Credit standards remain tight, meaning mortgage applicants need high FICO scores to qualify.
But it went on to list a litany of headwinds from job losses and lost wealth to tight credit.
ECONOMIST: The American economy: Better than it looks? | The
Tight credit is not an immediate threat: German companies have plenty of cash.
Tight credit controls--net charge-offs are only 4.7% of the portfolio--helped AmeriCredit survive the 1997 meltdown of the subprime lending industry.
In today's tight credit market Pensco is also seeing groups of people making secured loans--to small businesses or individuals--from their IRAs.
"Global economic conditions are improving but remain fragile, " he said, pointing to weak labor markets, tight credit, and depressed consumer spending.
The trifecta of rising food and energy prices, tight credit, and sinking home prices continue to weigh heavily on consumers wallets.
Credit has been tight the past few years, and many owners complain that time consuming and costly regulations are creating roadblocks.
The Commission attributed the slowdown to lower global demand, higher material costs, a volatile financial market and tight credit conditions in China.
While household spending has picked up recently, it remains constrained by high unemployment, modest income growth, lower housing wealth and tight credit.
Two thirds of the owners surveyed started the business from their own savings, which is not surprising, given the still-tight credit climate.
Banking conditions varied, with some districts noting soft or decreased overall loan demand, while credit standards remained tight in most reporting Districts.
"In a tight credit market, you can get this money quickly and easily, " says David Kanigan, head of products for Morgan Stanley's private bank.