Precious metals have been driven up by fears of crumbling economic activity and creeping inflation.
Behind the hype and investors' understandable desire to make money, bad habits are creeping back in.
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Pharmaceuticals are profitable only while patents protect them--keeping generic companies from creeping in with cheap knockoffs.
In the 1997-98 Asian crisis, Indonesia's rupiah dropped by over 75% before gradually creeping back.
There's a creeping pattern of New York phobia among high-profile athletes, and it has to stop.
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Mr. WESSELL: Well, that piece of inflation is creeping up, but only a little bit.
But algae began creeping back in the mid-1990s, and the blooms have gotten progressively bigger.
But despite such restrictions, some western practices seem to be creeping into Iranian pop.
American oil stocks have been creeping up again after hitting 26-year lows earlier this year.
This explains why inflation has been creeping up in China and elsewhere in the region.
Inflation has been creeping up as the U.S. economy begins to exhibit signs of life.
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He said as the Olympics drew nearer "the excitement was creeping in among staff and management".
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"There's a certain amount of worry that's creeping into our discussions, " he told BBC News.
This is old school stealth - creeping around with high tension and high stakes.
Some optimism is "creeping back" into the housing market in Scotland, surveyors have suggested.
And he warned there was "creeping complacency" in the unionist campaign that was "very worrying".
Only by using those powers will the creeping spread of that data be held stemmed.
BBC: NEWS | Technology | Do you know what they know about you?
Though America's polls do not show it, the tide may be creeping against the death penalty.
Twitter might cope better with the creeping commercialisation than other social media sites, he said.
One can only guess at the diverting asides creeping into the minutes on those occasions.
Even in the developing world, where tobacco companies seek new customers, some restrictions are creeping in.
While still low by Western standards, wages are creeping up in China as they fall stateside.
Second is a creeping suspicion that Mr Sarkozy is not sticking to his campaign promises.
ECONOMIST: France's government: The unpopular president | The
The lack of American leadership on trade could encourage creeping protectionism around the world.
All of this testifies to the fact that a note of desperation is creeping into European discussions.
As 2011 advances, we move further into decade with new factors creeping squarely into our luxury mindset.
Credit-market indicators that reflect jitters about short-term lending to banks have been creeping higher for several days.
You can see this as creeping progress towards putting adequate shock absorbers into the eurozone's financial system.
"There is a little bit of it creeping into the camp, " said City assistant boss Mark Bowen.
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This autumn, however, as factory closures mount, a creeping sense of reality seems to be setting in.