For the first few installments in the franchise, the evil corporation was mildly creepy.
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The Insectarium, part of the Audubon Nature Institute, pays tribute to everything creepy and crawly.
Mr. McNamee said it felt "creepy" to inject the wife of his friend and employer.
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Randy White is apprehensive yet he follows the school janitor to his creepy shack.
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But I think it goes beyond just an evolutionary process whereby creepy becomes cool.
It feels creepy, and immediately after posting this I will run to the shower.
When asked to rate Pratt, 49% of survey respondents said they found him creepy.
But audience-based buying is kind of creepy, privacy-wise, and it has alarming demographics-as-class implications.
While Project Glass sounds super-cool on the surface, the idea is also kind of creepy.
The company has repeatedly made clear that it considers facial recognition to be too creepy.
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With Will Patton, too creepy by half in the role of a security expert.
Mr. Sailer says he harbors no ill will and chuckles at being called creepy.
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That giant dandelion coming undone during Hollie Cavanagh's rendition of "Honesty" was super creepy.
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Often, I thought it was creepy to feel this fear in such a seductive place.
MI6 is extremely interested in Dr Markoff, a creepy Russian scientist who is experimenting on monkeys.
Beyond a certain point, however, the not-quite-human object strikes people as creepy, and shinwakan drops.
"I think we all recognised he was a pretty creepy sort of character, " he said.
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He could take one of these trains and leave the creepy cat town behind.
"If I were to see him I would say, 'I don't think you're creepy at all!'"
It's creepy, ambitious and perhaps a bit unsettling that we'd be letting our phones run our lives.
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It wants to be chilling and scary, but it's barely coherent and merely creepy at its best.
Allison McCann at Buzzfeed recently wrote about a study that suggests Facebook is normalizing creepy behavior.
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"Kids thought they were creepy, " says Garan, 41, a producer of corporate videos and an amateur photographer.
When this location file was first discovered, I asked whether you thought it was cool or creepy.
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Guillermo del Toro has a knack for making creepy movies with innovative, fantastical visuals and dreamlike narratives.
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Or does listening to the music shortly after she does without mentioning it make me look creepy?
It could be argued that this creepy, mute cat has narrower demographic appeal than the aggressive avians.
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Beginning with the creepy "I Saw the Dead, " Becoming a Jackal plows through a vast range of emotions and themes.
"I've been reading on Twitter that Musburger had backlash that he's 'creepy', " TMZ quoted Webb as saying.
In a social context, it may be seen as a sign of romantic interest, or just plain creepy.