Penalties for kidnapping, theft and white-collar crime were also toughened, with longer jail terms prescribed.
So serious was her crime that it required 14 policemen in two vans to arrest her.
Mr. MIKHAIL GRISHANKOV (Anti-Organized Crime Committee): (Through translator) It's a very powerful multi-headed system.
Two years ago Semion Mogilevich, the face of Russian organized crime, was in a Russian prison.
Nine years seems rather a harsh penalty for a crime that did not itself harm anyone.
Portland, Ore. researcher Bertrand Sperling analyzed crime and culture-and-leisure data, as well as education levels.
Authorities don't have data about how many of the disappearances are connected with organized crime.
But violent crime in the northern triangle is not entirely owed to drug trafficking.
It later became clear that some of them had not given up, or had returned to crime.
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In no case is the government justified in using intrusive enforcement measures developed to combat violent crime.
His most recent research utilized modelling techniques to better understand gangs and their involvement in gun crime.
South Wales Police decided to learn from last year's experiences and keep a particular eye on car crime.
Mr. RASHID NURGALIYEV (Russian Interior Minister): (Through translator) Experienced organized crime investigators went to the scene right away.
These costs might all be worth it if there were any proof that anti-money-laundering laws lowered crime rates.
Kevin Mitnicks crime was to thumb his nose at the costly computer security systems employed by large corporations.
It is broadly accepted that there is a balance to be struck between crime prevention and individual freedom.
As the level of intrusiveness goes up, the amount of white collar crime should go down.
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The ballistics and other crime scene reports contained in the documents detail a quick, brutal ambush.
Sotomayor joined the Manhattan District Attorney's office in 1979 during an epic crime wave.
For Six years I lectured about my own white-collar crime at universities across the country.
One day, as investigators were reviewing the crime-scene photographs, they stumbled on a possible clue.
Moreover, the first police officer at the scene disputed that Fitzgerald had witnessed the crime.
The reason for South Africa's high crime rate is a topic of anguished debate.
The idea is that the glove may have been contaminated at the crime scene.
It raised concerns about the exploitation of women and claimed the activity could increase crime.
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Hsu also is accused of donating money in other people's names, which is a federal crime.
More complex, though, is the argument that says it's not about justifying the crime.
In practice, this works about as well as the tradition of omerta in organized crime.
Yet if the DOJ had gotten its way, that minor violation would be a federal crime.
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Through an executive order, President Roosevelt made the possession of monetary gold a crime in 1933.