With all the good intentions of improving the lives of Americans by eliminating the perceived source of corruption, crime and poverty, politicians outlawed the making, transporting and selling of alcohol.
Two things distinguished this, the longest-running Royal Commission in Australian history, from a succession of earlier inquiries into crime and corruption: modern technology, coupled with the tenacity of the man who presided over the commission.
The argument here is similar to the one concerning drugs- legalisation would put a stop to much of the crime and corruption, but politicians fear a public backlash that would follow legalisation.
"We were in the middle of a corruption crime spree, and we wanted to stop it, " Fitzgerald said.
They would follow cases of political corruption and organised crime that the judicial system has been slow to tackle.
He also offered advice on his crime as Albany is embroiled in a new spate of corruption cases brought this month against lawmakers by a federal prosecutor.
Subsequently, a surge in violent crime, the slow pace of reconstruction, and the burgeoning corruption scandal at city hall undermined his popularity.
This implies the need to deal with issues such as corruption, organized crime and an effective framework for the rule of law.
From 1986-1992, Spitzer was an assistant district attorney in Manhattan, rising to become chief of its labor racketeering unit, where he prosecuted organized crime and political corruption cases.
Bulgaria remains one of the poorest countries in the EU, and corruption and organised crime is rife.
Challenges abound in Bogota with choking traffic, a daily influx of some 1, 500 displaced campesinos, massive corruption and rampant crime.
He also promised measures to fight crime, including stiffer penalties for the illegal use of guns, and a war on corruption.
The Interpol general assembly endorsed making Internet crime a key priority, along with tackling the trafficking of women and stamping out police corruption.
Singapore's investigation of the officials comes weeks after the city-state's police said they were boosting efforts to tackle soccer corruption, following allegations from international investigators that a global crime ring was fixing hundreds of soccer matches out of its base in Singapore.
But suspicions remain in the EU that the rest of the Yugosphere and Albania will be like Romania and Bulgaria, admitted prematurely with deepseated crime and corruption still unsolved.
In the fight against organised crime "the level of sentences remains low" it said, regretting that that was also the case in corruption cases, where "very often suspended sentences are pronounced".
Of those, 19 were dismissed for offences which include assault, making false entries on the crime reporting system and corruption.
BBC: Metropolitan Police discipline 42 employees in two months
Last month it said that soccer faces real threats in the form of corruption and match-fixing and it is important that FIFA be involved in the fight against organized crime.