"Any criminal act will be dealt with according to the law, " Ye Htut's statement said.
The theft of personal information is a criminal act under Israel's Privacy Protection law.
Hence, Congress has made the giving of false answers a criminal act punishable by severe penalties.
Mr Pyke, 48, also from Cheltenham, was questioned about aiding and abetting a criminal act.
Gallup found that more people thought it should remain a criminal act than to legalise it.
His criminal act comes from -- and the act of those who helped him, and his followers.
It is not a criminal act to buy or rent a home here.
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"This is about guilt, about avenging a crime, about responsibility for a criminal act, " he told told Deutschlandfunk public radio.
The Vatican has not denied the authenticity of the documents, but instead says the breach of privacy is a criminal act.
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The law is interested in whether or not someone at the time that the criminal act occurred understood the difference between right and wrong.
Not forgetting all those non fatal injuries not reported as 76-80% of all shootings occur during a criminal act which both shooter and injured were involved in?
Elements in such a charge include demonstrating the death was caused by a criminal act, and that the act demonstrated a depraved mind without regard for human life.
Seeking employment in this country is not a criminal act.
FORBES: Anti-Immigration Rhetoric Frighteningly Reveals Education's Failure
As such, the petitioner argued that this violated his Fifth Amendment rights to due process because it convicts a person for mere association and not some overt criminal act.
If the alleged hacker(s) acted alone to break in and obtain the information from PricewaterhouseCoopers, rather than discovering the information, that break-in would of course be considered a criminal act.
One possibility, admittedly speculative, is that the prosecutor concluded that Zimmerman illegally confronted the victim with a weapon without just cause, and that that criminal act led to the shooting.
Mr D'Anjou said they were being held in custody "on suspicion of conspiracy of a terrorist criminal act" and officials would say in the next few days whether they would be charged.
But no matter who is ultimately determined to be of fault, and no matter how disturbing the failure might be to each of us, where is there a criminal act to be covered-up?
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Concerns were raised about the nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea, with Italian Liberal MEP Pino Arlacchi saying that possession of nuclear weapons by a country should be made a criminal act.
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Is there anything to this notion that some of the disclosures, while clearly obtained through -- or allegedly obtained through a criminal act, actually help policymakers and the American people make better decisions?
Hardly any European country of note has a law against bribery and corruption similar to American legislation which makes it a criminal act for American companies to offer inducements when tendering for contracts abroad.
And when police arrived to check out the premises, they probably wouldn't have been nearly as ready to believe the worst about the occupant of a home who clearly wasn't engaged in a criminal act.
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Hacohen said that hacking is a criminal act against citizens and the Israeli authorities have begun a criminal investigation, including a computer forensic probe to search for electronic evidence in an attempt to locate the group.
It houses detainees who are waiting to be shipped back to their country of birth after failing to get asylum, staying beyond the length of their visa, or committing a criminal act that means they will be deported.
Records from the medical examiner's office also are being subpoenaed by the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York for possible presentation to a grand jury, if investigators confirm the crash resulted from a criminal act.
The relatively new anti-gang laws in El Salvador and Honduras do not include versions of America's witness-protection programme or its anti-racketeering laws, which allow suspects to be charged with conspiracy to commit a criminal act, rather than the act itself.
According to Ministry of Justice guidance issued to law enforcement agencies, "The new offence will make it more difficult for trespassers to assert they have rights in respect of residential buildings because their occupation of the building will be a criminal act".
The laws covering abortion in Northern Ireland are the 1861 Offences against the Person Act, and the Criminal Justice act from 1945.
As a member of the Criminal Justice Act panel, Hostin also represented criminal defendants in federal district court in New York.