Now other senators have said that's ridiculous, mainly republicans, but Democrats appear to be cringing at that as well.
It is a scene met with cringing recognition by UK holidaymakers who can find the routine tough work in overseas markets.
If you are evaluating the current 27.5% miscellaneous offshore penalty and cringing about how much it will hurt, what about opting out?
Although I still can't look at a fruit fly without cringing just a little, I went on to take his biochemistry class and excelled.
WSJ: Our Child Hates Math��and We Parents Are Partly to Blame
She offered a cringing wave of apology to a flabbergasted driver from the opposite corner whose own impending turn she had not taken into consideration.
She says she is cringing at the insensitivity of his remark.
Why is the New York Times disproportionately given over to cataloging the consumption of the rich in a tone even more cringing for its pretending to be snarky?
Mr Ozawa was the epitome of the modern ideas-man, who understood that the world had changed with the end of the cold war, and that a cringing Japan should change with it.
The main reason being, if you've ever been in a company where someone has sent a stinker of an email on their departure day, you will see an entire office-full of people hunkering down and cringing at their desks.
With the euro up 14% against the dollar in six months, even as much of Europe is desperate for buyers of its goods and is cringing as their effective prices abroad soar, a few fear another upheaval in the markets.
So the NY Times laid it down: yes, the NYPD has that report linking the iPod to a rise in subway crime in New York, but it gets a little more bleak when they call in Beckerman PR vice-prez David Brooks, who claims, "Half of you is cringing, but half is bursting with pride" over the news.