One of our PMOs focuses on computer security and protecting critical information infrastructure.
The order will make it easier for private companies in control of our nation's critical infrastructure to share information about cyber attacks with the government.
Board of Computing Professionals Malaysia does not aim to regulate the computing profession in the nation but only applies to those who are identified as Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII) entities with the intent to safeguard the interest of the nation in view of the current dynamic and challenging global environments.
As we continue to improve our cybersecurity under existing authorities, comprehensive legislation remains essential to securing our critical infrastructure, facilitating greater cyber information sharing between government and the private sector, and protecting the privacy and civil liberties of the American people.
The EO actually does a couple of good things: It authorizes government agencies to share classified and unclassified threat and technical information with critical infrastructure owners and operators and allows for the expedited processing of security clearances to personnel within these entities.
We need to make it easier for the government to share threat information so critical-infrastructure companies are better prepared.
Because telecom carriers are identified as critical infrastructure you can see where resistance to information sharing comes from.
FORBES: There Is No Need For A Cybersecurity Executive Order
Marcus Sachs, the executive director of national security policy at Verizon (nyse: VZ - news - people ), was hopeful that Chertoff's appeal to the private sector at RSA might mean more information sharing with those critical infrastructure systems.
The methods and means used by unfriendly competitors or hostile nation states and the nature of modern day information processing technology dictate that we must be vigilant in protecting critical information assets and our national research infrastructure.
In his position in the Homeland Security Intelligence division, he had access to a wide range of top-secret information, including vulnerabilities of national critical infrastructure.
Under the leadership of a few forward-thinking policymakers such as former Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn, the Department of Defense and intelligence community have greatly strengthened their information defenses and begun helping industry to protect critical infrastructure.
FORBES: U.S. Headed For Cyberwar Showdown With China In 2012
Shahar Maor, an information-technology analyst at Israeli market research firm STKI, estimated that compared with large companies associated with defense or critical infrastructure, lower tier Israeli companies hire one-fifth as many information-security employees relative to computer users.
The information gathered by Perfect Citizen could also have applications beyond the critical infrastructure sector, officials said, serving as a data bank that would also help companies and agencies who call upon NSA for help with investigations of cyber attacks, as Google did when it sustained a major attack late last year.
Creating an infrastructure and processes that delivers the right information to the right people is also critical.