Tullo believes that Apple (which builds proprietary services) has the critical mass to make it work.
Are merchants in sectors where Groupon develops critical mass essentially yielding their customer relationships to Groupon?
Can Pogo get the critical mass of planes and customers to make that 1, 500-hour assumption work?
Gibson has a knack for spotting technological and cultural trends before they gain critical mass.
By then Windows 2000, which embeds most major cryptographic algorithms and protocols, may hit critical mass.
First, developer critical mass is a leading indicator on what will mostly likely sell well.
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Assemble and sustain a critical mass of active members across and beyond the enterprise.
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So some cyclists undoubtedly prefer them and they are in some cases encouraging "critical mass".
Economic growth in emerging economies has produced a critical mass of middle-class consumers with buying power.
Mr. Reich dismisses the idea that he is simply building critical mass to sell the company.
Could the University of Texas have found a race-neutral way to reach that critical mass?
Its free zone has already achieved a critical mass of importers and light manufacturers.
SEIPI, the Philippines' electronics-industry association, the country retains a critical mass in the chip-making business.
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And the proportion of the population who use the Net is far from critical mass.
It finds that a critical mass of countries have now adopted or committed to DVB-T2.
The power of RR was that they claimed they had derived the critical mass for government debt.
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That was not enough to deliver the critical mass Apple needed in its battle against the IBM-compatibles.
It will take at least three years for a critical mass of phones to have NFC chips.
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But having three women at the top of any organization is when women start achieving critical mass.
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Once you reach a critical mass of subscribers, it generates a lot of cash for the company.
What will Iranians consider to be enough to have in that critical mass of, literally and figuratively?
The key issue is the critical mass that you need to gather to be a viable alternative.
Twitter and Facebook are two examples of online communities that have achieved critical mass of lock-in users.
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When your level of engagement is widely recognized, it spreads virally, and you have a critical mass.
Just look at social media allowing individuals to more effectively build communities and reach a critical mass.
Brand acquisition will also be challenging until they are able to get a critical mass using the app.
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There's critical mass, and then there's Facebook, the Death Star that deflects every effort to blow it up.
At this stage, you probably have critical mass in at least one target and can layer on another.
In all businesses, scaling is important, but the question is whether it comes before critical mass or after.
This is logical since the critical mass is now in the banking system, not the sovereign debt markets.