Experts have long warned that U.S. National Critical Infrastructure such as transportation, energy, telecommunications, defense and other industries are vulnerable to cyberattacks form hostile governments and groups.
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Incredible as it may seem, however, in his recent, 126-page Statement of National Transportation Policy -- much of which was devoted to addressing the critical aviation-related infrastructure problems -- Secretary of Transportation Sam Skinner made but two passing references to the contribution tiltrotor technology could make to solving such problems.
Unknown hackers, perhaps a world away, had inserted malicious software into the computer networks of private-sector companies that operate most of our transportation, water and other critical infrastructure systems.
Instead of over-funding and over-regulating critical infrastructure, liberalize networks like transportation, electricity, and telecommunications, and get spectrum out of the oversight of regulators so secondary markets can price, allocate and optimize it.
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But to extend that protection to the nation's critical infrastructure--including banks, telecommunications and transportation--it needs the cooperation of the private sector.
The health and safety of individuals is priority first and foremost, followed by the recovery of critical infrastructure services (power, water, hospital services, transportation etc.).
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In a recent survey conducted by Corenet, corporate real estate managers in the northeast corridor reported that Hurricane Sandy had affected a variety of functions, including the operation of mission-critical facilities, data storage, back up energy sources and access to transportation infrastructure.
Failure to adequately invest in energy, transportation, communications, and other infrastructure practically guarantees the failure of critical systems when they are placed under the stress of extreme events.
The transportation bill, now in its ninth extension, is a critical piece of infrastructure legislation that consolidates more than 100 separate programs into just five major investment categories (for efficiency) and establishes performance standards for these investments (no more "Bridges to Nowhere").
"It's a critical piece of infrastructure for the region and also for the Northeast, " said Rich Barone, director of transportation programs for the Regional Plan Association, which is preparing a study of capital needs along the rail corridor.