Staff Sergeant Edgar D Bledsoe, of Olive Branch, Illinois, cradles a critically ill Vietnamese infant.
Tracy Jones, 40, and her children, aged four, 15 and 18, are critically ill.
All four are still critically ill in hospital but are said to be improving.
In Middlesbrough, a teenager remains critically ill in hospital after being injured while sledging.
No one, save the critically ill, can expect medicines without first paying for them.
Her daughter Nicola, 23, was found injured in a nearby hallway and is critically ill in hospital.
These solutions comprise medicines and knowledge that directly impact the survival and well-being of critically ill patients.
Edward Pybis had been critically ill since the shooting in Anfield on 3 January and died on Sunday.
By Wednesday afternoon, four critically ill patients had been evacuated, including two from a ward that treats prisoners.
Williams was not happy the prisoners were evacuated before other critically ill patients.
Tenet Healthcare, the company that owns Memorial, told CNN that most of the 45 patients who died were critically ill.
It raised money for medical charity Basics Hampshire, which provides pre-hospital care by volunteer doctors to the critically ill and injured.
Floodwaters had isolated the hospital, where about 312 patients -- many of them critically ill -- were being treated when Katrina hit.
Three women aged 32, 45 and 48, and an 83-year-old man were diagnosed between 19 and 21 March and are critically ill.
Mrs Taylor said another recipient of her son's organs was the critically ill mother of a 10-month-old baby and a young daughter.
He subsequently suffered further health complications and remains critically ill in hospital.
BBC: Man hit by trolley in Bromley Glades M&S 'row' critical
Physiotherapists, dieticians, nurses and nursing technicians are said to have reported their fears that she was hastening the deaths of critically ill patients.
Consultants and mobile lifesaving equipment can fly to patients who are critically ill in the small hospitals of Scotland's islands and remote areas.
The mother of a Suffolk woman who is critically ill after a snowboarding accident in France has travelled to meet her daughter's rescuers.
Five men who were treated at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary have now been discharged, but a sixth is critically ill, Northumbria Police said.
Williams said the hospital is trying to care for 10 critically ill patients, four of whom need dialysis and need to be evacuated.
Four men are critically ill after falling from a ship into the water during an exercise drill at the Royal Portbury Dock near Bristol.
"In our health care system, we're looking at what we have to do to prioritize patients -- critically ill versus purely elective surgeries, " Zelt said.
The 18-year-old was shot in both legs in Ardoyne on Tuesday night and was critically ill but is now in a stable condition in hospital.
Two of the most critically ill were rushed into intensive care.
That's striking given that England engages in the most aggressive rationing known to the free world, routinely delaying care to patients unless they are critically ill.
Even as they work to stabilize the critically ill patients, doctors face another worry: the possibility of injuries emerging that weren't detected immediately after the explosions.
And he can expect a strong sympathy vote, both from the death of his brother and perhaps from another looming bereavement: his mother is critically ill.
If you are healthy now but turn critically ill later, you may or may not be able to switch into a traditional health policy with a low deductible.
The actor suffered a near fatal injury during the shooting of an action scene on the set of a film in 1982 and was critically ill for several months.