These solutions comprise medicines and knowledge that directly impact the survival and well-being of critically ill patients.
By Wednesday afternoon, four critically ill patients had been evacuated, including two from a ward that treats prisoners.
Williams was not happy the prisoners were evacuated before other critically ill patients.
Physiotherapists, dieticians, nurses and nursing technicians are said to have reported their fears that she was hastening the deaths of critically ill patients.
Williams said the hospital is trying to care for 10 critically ill patients, four of whom need dialysis and need to be evacuated.
Even as they work to stabilize the critically ill patients, doctors face another worry: the possibility of injuries emerging that weren't detected immediately after the explosions.
Receptionists were left to decide which patients to treat, inexperienced doctors were put in charge of critically ill patients and nurses were not trained how to use vital equipment.
His lecturer, Dr Geoff Case, had earlier met with Dr Geoff Shaw, an intensive care specialist at Christchurch Hospital, who had told him about the inherent problems in managing critically ill patients' sedative and pain relief drug dosages.
The national stockpile has sufficient ventilators, but the necessary circuits that are needed to operate them are not produced in the United States but in Mexico, so having them come across to this country is critical for taking care of critically ill patients in the United States.
The Children's Air Ambulance from Coventry will fly doctors from Leicester's Glenfield Hospital to treat critically-ill patients.
Between 2001 and 2005, critically ill Medicare patients received almost fifty per cent more specialist visits in McAllen than in El Paso, and were two-thirds more likely to see ten or more specialists in a six-month period.
In Tennessee, several patients have recovered enough to walk on their own, but "some of these patients are critically ill, " said Marion Kainer, an epidemiologist with the Tennessee Health Department.
Consultants and mobile lifesaving equipment can fly to patients who are critically ill in the small hospitals of Scotland's islands and remote areas.
"In our health care system, we're looking at what we have to do to prioritize patients -- critically ill versus purely elective surgeries, " Zelt said.
Tenet Healthcare, the company that owns Memorial, told CNN that most of the 45 patients who died were critically ill.
That's striking given that England engages in the most aggressive rationing known to the free world, routinely delaying care to patients unless they are critically ill.
Floodwaters had isolated the hospital, where about 312 patients -- many of them critically ill -- were being treated when Katrina hit.