We can criticise the teams he picks at times - but he always comes out on top.
They are freer to criticise the Tigers than they would be in Sri Lanka.
They also criticise the "perverse" tax incentives for building on brownfield and greenfield sites.
"This club is respectful of referees and will never criticise the referee publicly, " insisted Brown.
Mr Davies used the debate to criticise the UK government's cuts to police budgets in Wales.
But many in Congress criticise the law, and are reluctant to finance the demobilisation.
However, schools investigator Edward Stancik did not criticise the increased emphasis on test scores, it said.
"For her to criticise without actually being at the coalface is certainly not helpful".
Still, I suppose one should not criticise ministers for trying to communicate with the public.
It means your critics both on the left and the right will criticise you.
The authors find much to criticise, and in much of this they are justified.
"I frankly get sick people who carp and criticise the health services, " he commented.
Judged by this overriding priority, Mr Isaac finds plenty to criticise in the recent past.
Brawn refused to criticise Barrichello for Sunday's outburst and said he sympathised with his driver's frustration.
Some developers criticise it for putting more energy into talking Java up than improving its performance.
American Russell Boyd who is behind the site also uses it to criticise the arbitration process.
CNN: Technology - 'Cybersquatters:' Invading big names' domains
Governments have been reluctant to criticise each other in public, let alone to mete out fines.
He has given one speech, in Canada, at which he declined to criticise the new president.
One is a reluctance to criticise companies and governments harshly, because they pay for the ratings.
To criticise Mr Blair's minister for apparently encapsulating these values might seem a tad hypocritical.
Jean Charest, Quebec's Liberal premier, was quick to criticise the commission's decision after the march.
Some criticise the charge on the grounds that it is a flat tax, and therefore regressive.
The MPs criticise what they say is the government's "leisurely approach" to the problem.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | School transport 'is in crisis'
True, their advertisements do not criticise each other, though they sometimes bad-mouth rivals such as Amex.
Though the Clinton administration was quick to criticise the details, the potential for compromise clearly exists.
So, for now, no one dares criticise Mr Blair too sharply, lest they too are lynched.
The Department of Health rejected this, although officials were quick to criticise the actions of the practice.
Mr Hammond again took the opportunity to criticise high bonuses paid to those in the railway industry.
BBC: Rail passengers could see big fare rises, Hammond warns
Opponents have become more vocal: trade unions, professors, regulators and others have lined up to criticise it.
After the heavy criticism of MPs over expenses, few are prepared to criticise the new system publicly.