"They've got to be careful about dotting the i's and crossing the t's, " Ms. Feddis said.
Mr. RAPHAEL GARRON(ph) (Realtor): The days of slipshod paperwork and not doing the crossing of all the T's and the dotting of all the I's is over.
In other words there will be a review of the decision to curb the growth of judicial reviews - which sounds like dotting the "i's" and crossing the "t's".
So for people who aren't crossing borders for work, the rankings don't mean much.
Shouldn't they simply let the local distributors sell culture-crossing stars like Celine Dion, who hardly need special handling?
The new Bureau of Energy Management is dotting every I and crossing every T in its required paperwork.
FORBES: McMoRan DeRisks the Ultra Deep As It Nears a Financial Bonanza
Mr. McNeely says he couldn't provide details and it's unclear if people crossing the border by land would notice the heightened security.
My younger daughter Gracie's first taste of freedom came when she was 11 and she and her friend Anthea were allowed to visit the luncheonette on our corner because it didn't require crossing any streets.
He said: "It's the shortest Channel crossing, which a lot of people find appealing - they don't like to spend too long at sea".
BBC: Jersey ferry passenger numbers down due to route closure
But since crossing the Hudson to his 34th-floor brokerage office overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge, he hasn't even had time to put photos of his equestrian pursuits on the wall.
"Later, " "I don't have time right now" and "I don't know" were some of the responses Cary Nations got when she asked students crossing her path if they were registered to vote.
Crossing the threshold triggers the SEC's filing requirements, even if a company's shares don't trade publicly.
Airlines for America, the industry's lobbying group, says air travel is almost always crossing state lines and airlines can't be subjected to a particular state's rules.
WSJ: The Middle Seat: Passenger Rights? What Passenger Rights?
But since crossing the Hudson to Manhattan and his 34th-floor brokerage office, which overlooks the Brooklyn Bridge, he hasn't even had time to put photos of his equestrian pursuits on the wall.
With the mix of laws on the books in this country, simply crossing a state border from a state that recognizes the marriage of a same-sex couple to one that doesn't can mean the step- and adoptive-parents can suddenly become legal strangers to them.