Politicians on both sides of the aisle love to crow about reducing loopholes and tax breaks for special interests.
Democrats love to crow about how Republicans only do the bidding of their Wall Street fat cat buddies.
Little to crow about as the Year of the Rooster nears an end.
Mark Zuckerberg can crow about how his users spend, on average, 6.35 hours per month on Facebook versus 18 minutes for LinkedIn.
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Neither should cricket crow about the millions of people tuning in to coverage of the final Test between England and South Africa.
Companies of course tend to crow about product reformulations, but that is often the case when they improve the formulation, not diminish it.
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If Democrats pass a reform bill, even with some GOP votes, they will also crow about having successfully taken on the hated big banks.
The recently finalized Collins Amendment gives everyone something to crow about.
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Certainly, many recent tech debuts have been nothing to crow about.
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Whatever happens to their sprinters, though, the visitors will probably have plenty to crow about thanks to in-form British-based Aussie jockeys Kerrin McEvoy and Hugh Bowman.
Compaq didn't say who it got its 802.11b technology from, but one startup active in the Bluetooth space, a British startup called Cambridge Silicon Radio , couldn't help but crow about its Bluetooth chips being used in Compaq's Bluetooth module.
Crow too loudly about the Mercedes content and you cheapen that brand.
Describing the Civil Rights Movement without mentioning Jim Crow is like writing about the atrocities committed by the German army in the Second World War and not mentioning Nazi race theory: it leaves out the primary ideological basis of the injustice being described.
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All I know is that Taylor Swift constantly looks like she just walked into a surprise party she already knew about and Sheryl Crow had nothing to do tonight.
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It is the basic inequity that retirees living in the USA, for instance - about 30 minutes as the crow flies from where my mother lives in Ontario - do receive the cost of living adjustments.
If a user goes to a Sheryl Crow concert, for instance, his or her friends can know about it.
It was given the nickname because it is situated about half-way between Glasgow and Belfast, as the crow flies.
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While we think it stinks that the Rock Hillites won't get NBC in high-def during the Olympics, we see that on a Google HDTV mashup map, they're about 25 miles from the Charlotte HD towers as the peacock crow flies.
In my case, acupuncturist Nina Hernandez inserted about 35 silicon-tipped needles in my face--at the crow's-feet lines, the laugh lines and especially the lateral forehead lines.
The flight from Abu Dhabi to London is eight hours long, crossing a distance of about 3, 500 miles (5, 600 km), as the crow flies.