The trial, which the court heard was a re-trial after the jury in a Cardiff Crown Court case last year was discharged, is expected to last for up to six months.
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But the Crown Office said the case against him had been dropped because of "insufficient evidence".
In a statement to the Scottish Parliament on the World's End case, Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini, Scotland's top prosecutor, said Crown evidence had established a circumstantial case against Sinclair.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh, East and Fife | Judge in second opinion case hint
The legal issue in the Ohio case was whether Crown had "successor liability" to Mundet.
The Crown Prosecution Service reviewed the case and found "insufficient evidence" for a realistic prosecution.
Anheuser-Busch InBev and Grupo Modelo filed a memorandum in support of Constellation and Crown being represented in the case.
The case at Leeds Crown Court is expected to last for a week.
The Crown Prosecution Service brought the case against PC Stewart after an investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).
He sent their case to Manchester Crown Court as a magistrate can only impose a maximum sentence of six months imprisonment.
It said the families of Miss Eadie and Miss Scott were being kept informed of developments in the case by the Crown and police.
At the time, police passed the case to the Crown Prosecution Service but it said there was "insufficient evidence" to prosecute - a decision upheld after two reviews.
Earlier in the case, Belfast Crown Court heard that the trio were travelling together in a Citroen Xantia on a country road outside Keady when officers forcibly stopped the car.
The Crown and other parties in the case will now prepare written submissions.
The Crown Prosecution Service is examining the case of the postman attacked in Newbridge to see if a prosecution can be brought against the dog owner.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Mail campaign over dog attacks
The team set sail from London in December and were building a base camp and supply depot inland from Crown Bay when Fiennes developed the case of frostbite.
The Crown hopes other evidence relating to the case can be heard next week.
Portsmouth Crown Court judge Roger Hetherington dismissed the case of a 16-year-old boy also charged with the attack.
Judge Francis Gilbert, QC, adjourned the case until April for the Crown Prosecution Service to decide whether to go to trial.
The case next went to the Crown Prosecution Service, which in February had decided to take no action against the three officers.
Now, as he told an army of reporters, fans and friends outside Liverpool Crown Court, he can put the case behind him and concentrate on his football.
The Crown Prosecution Service has now dropped the case against the remaining three people - Mr Morgan's former business partner Jonathan Rees and brothers Garry and Glenn Vian.
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He wrote to the chairman of the Essex branch of the Magistrates' Association, saying how "startled" and "most alarmed" he was, and also had case files sent to the Crown Prosecution Service.
The case has been sent to Norwich Crown Court and Hutton will be sentenced at a later date.
The case was transferred by magistrates to Chelmsford Crown Court for sentencing on 14 March.
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Crown barrister Terence Mooney said Shivers still had a case to answer.
BBC: Real IRA murders: Brian Shivers faces Massereene retrial
Sheriff Alistair Thornton refused a Crown request for more time to prepare the prosecution case, and continued the case for a trial in December.
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Gwent Police hosted a conference last week to raise awareness of disability hate crime, and the Crown Prosecution Service has established independent scrutiny panels to review case files on offences against disabled people.
Opening the case, Mr Mably told jurors at Isleworth Crown Court, west London, the annual event was spoiled not only for the rowing crews but the spectators watching at home on BBC TV and along the course.
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Mr Griffiths, of Thornton Road, Bradford, was told his case will be heard again on 15 October at Bradford Crown Court.
In England and Wales, the Crown Prosecution Service acts on behalf of the US in taking the case through the courts.