The Director-General toured the colossal cruciform temple, decorated at its base with terracotta plaques featuring divinities and metaphorical nature motifs.
UNESCO: Paharpur: A village celebrates its world heritage with the Director-General | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The plan is a blunted regular cruciform.
WSJ: Enlightenment on an Intimate Scale | The Adinatha Temple at Ranakpur | Masterpiece by James S. Ackerman
The furnishings, though, looked much the same the modern taste of twenty years ago, boxy and stuffed, bare wood and monochrome wool, coffee tables of thick glass on cruciform legs of stainless steel, all mixed with Orientals and family antiques.
On the other side of this entry room are Woods's 1988 plans and model for the "Einstein Tomb, " an orbiting spacecraft in the shape of a cruciform cenotaph that would have carried the physicist's ashes throughout the universe, were they not already scattered on the Atlantic Ocean.
WSJ: A Man Outside His Time | Lebbeus Woods | SFMOMA | By Richard B. Woodward