And, unless you want to live like Robinson Crusoe, things are going to get expensive.
But Crusoe's journal is not only a record of despair, but an answer to it.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
Karl Marx used Crusoe's one-person domestic production as an allegory for economy in its simplest form.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
This process is supposed to make Crusoe faster, cheaper and less power-hungry than existing chips.
Diamond Multimedia, a consumer-electronics firm, has already announced plans to build tablet-like web-browsing devices using Crusoe chips.
"Crusoe" endures because Defoe crafted a story that isn't nonfiction, yet feels as if it could be.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
Alexander Selkirk--the sailor whose true story inspired Daniel Defoe's 1719 novel, Robinson Crusoe--was abandoned on a desert island.
Crusoe's ability to re-create a miniature version of England on a distant shore also inspires comparison with America's origins.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
Manufacturers are sampling that chip now, and Crusoe-based notebooks should arrive in the second half of the year, Ditzel says.
Robinson Crusoe and 60's sitcoms aside, having an island to one's self is an enduring fantasy, and for good reason.
Between Robinson Crusoe and Lord of the Flies, the social dynamics unveiled in Survivor may well veer toward the latter.
Curiously, Sony wasn't among the first wave of Crusoe demonstrators, even though it has an investment in Santa Clara, Calif.
So far, Crusoe has been slightly disappointing in testing, although that may partly be because of the novelty of its design.
The closely observed chapters of "Robinson Crusoe" have the stuff of news, inviting scholars to wonder about the novel's real-life inspiration.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
Crusoe is on a slave-trading mission when his trip goes awry, and he seems to be Friday's master, not his equal.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
The company hasn't released the results of any benchmark tests yet, making it difficult to gauge the company's claims about Crusoe's performance.
Defoe fans frequently mention sailor Andrew Selkirk, an 18th-century castaway, as a model for Crusoe, although Defoe probably drew on several sources.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
Exploration of the New World was all the rage, and the exotic content of "Robinson Crusoe" seemed deftly suited to the times.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
And transistor for transistor, Intel's chips may offer higher performance than Crusoe.
Hopefully they will cost less, because Crusoe chips are less expensive and you don't need as much cost in a notebook for thermal engineering.
Transmeta has produced a chip for mobile computers known as Crusoe that is designed to use far less battery power than its Intel equivalent.
The sustaining magic of Defoe's novel is that the reader comes to regard Crusoe's self-sufficient solitude first with pity, and then with grudging envy.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
Many regard it as strictly a boys' book, since Crusoe's survival techniques and construction projects play out like merit exercises for budding Eagle Scouts.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
The mythic stature of "Robinson Crusoe" has made it into a literary Rorschach test in which readers tend to find pretty much what they seek.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
It will be interesting to see what follows in Crusoe's footsteps.
The first Crusoe-powered laptops are expected to appear later this year.
" The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe", by Daniel Defoe.
Crusoe and sail aboard either the 106-passenger Orion, or the 100- passenger Orion II, both luxurious, and carrying onboard experts in history, botany, biology, and geology.
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Today, Compaq Computer (nyse: CPQ - news - people) confirmed that it has no current plans to use Crusoe in its own lightweight notebooks.
The centerpiece of the novel is the journal that Crusoe keeps during his exile, an attempt to shape the confusion of castaway existence into a coherent story.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman