Ominously for ministers, the dissent is beginning to crystallise around the looming health service reforms.
That would crystallise their negative equity, scuppering their plans to trade up or move on.
While his colleagues took their holidays, his thoughts began to crystallise into a revolutionary idea.
To do that they are both dissolved in a common solvent, then left alone to crystallise together.
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These groups will spend the next five years developing better and cheaper methods to produce, purify and crystallise proteins.
Dr Kanatzidis's group is developing new ways of making these compounds crystallise correctly.
The committee wants the government to crystallise its plans by March this year.
But its hoped-for edge is the speed with which it can crystallise proteins.
Structural GenomiX reckons that its edge lies in the ability to get recalcitrant proteins to crystallise in the first place.
Still, Mr Perino's book is potent testimony to the way in which one person can help crystallise the interpretation of an event.
"The company could not do very well in total shareholder return, and the rewards for managers could still crystallise, " Ms Wilson warned.
Likewise, cooling magmas under pressure will crystallise and concentrate residual fluids.
For these institutions, selling to the government, even at a price above distressed levels, could deplete their capital as they crystallise their losses.
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The views of Portsmouth voters could crystallise after the second of the leaders' debates, due to take place as The Economist went to press.
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The researchers then used a few more biochemical tricks to crystallise out the protein fragments, and analyse them, eventually producing an extremely detailed three-dimensional atomic map.
The focus throughout will be HELP and the interface between land use and water management, and how we crystallise a stakeholder driven agenda for effective river basin management in Scotland.
Mr Carroll may now be forced into a fire sale of his assets which could crystallise massive losses at the banks before NAMA has a chance to take over the toxic loans.
In a specially built workshop, protein solutions are exposed to every conceivable range of conditions varying in such things as the acidity, salt concentration and temperature of the solution to persuade them to crystallise.
Mr Carter's own voice did not crystallise until he was in his 40s, in the intensely dramatic Cello Sonata, completed in 1948, and even more startlingly in his First String Quartet of 1951.
This explains why singlehood proliferates in places where such networks can crystallise, he says: in many urban centres and in Scandinavia, where strong social safety nets free people to pursue their own goals.
What perhaps is most interesting is that the Chancellor has decided to crystallise the loss now, rather than suspend the sale in the hope that markets recover enough to break even on the deal.
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You may not charge them an exit tax, you may not insist that they liquidate and cough up before they go, crystallise capital gains or any of the other things that the US system demands.
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My assumption is that at some point in the coming weeks, Verizon will make an offer to Vodafone to buy this stake - and may also make its offer known, because it may believe that Vodafone's shareholders would put pressure on Vodafone's management to crystallise the valuation of the company's assets.