Both the basic sides in Lebanon were supporting what they called the "S-S" (Saudi-Syrian) initiative, which had reportedly been crystallised into a concrete though highly secret accord.
But it wasn't until July last year, when anger at price cuts crystallised in a passionate meeting at the Staffordshire County Showground, that the NFU And FFA combo really took off.
The issue was crystallised when The Times took up a campaigning stance through journalists like Kaya Burgess and Phillip Pank after one of their colleagues was knocked off a bike by an HGV.
The faith's official theology, after wrestling with the different senses in which Christ was human and divine, had crystallised with the pronouncement in the early fifth century that Mary was Theotokos, the Mother of God: the person whose body was the miraculous locus of a unique cosmic event, the coming together of the Creator and the created, physical world.