Oz treats the operating room like a Cub Scout den, and he is its jovial but determined scoutmaster.
NEWYORKER: The Operator
In 2011, Mormon-backed Cub Scout and Boy Scout troops accounted for more than 420, 000 of all Scouts nationwide.
CNN: Boy Scouts reconsidering policy against gay membership
The Pinewood Derby continues to be one of the most popular Cub Scout programs, says Renee Fairrer, spokeswoman for Boy Scouts of America.
WSJ: Gentlemen, Start Your Little Cars: These Derbies Are for Grown-Ups
She got involved as a volunteer in the movement when her son became a cub scout and she was asked to help children complete their first aid badge.
BBC: Scout veteran and Olympians among Hampshire honours
In Russia, it is lumped with "Defender of the Fatherland Day, " which has little to do with the fatherly duties of helping with the homework and attending Cub Scout meetings.
FORBES: Father's Day
That finding resonated in London when Loyau-Kennett, trying to explain her actions, cited her role as a Cub Scout leader, mentioning that she had to learn first aid for the position.
CNN: What made London Samaritan so brave
The protest was sparked last year after Ohio Cub Scout den leader Jennifer Tyrrell was forced to step down from her position in her son's Cub Scout pack because she is openly gay.
CNN: Boy Scouts reconsidering policy against gay membership