Or should they take up the last cudgel and put their own majoritarian principles aside?
The guilty plea cudgel might then be used all the more aggressively within the United States itself.
He picked up the legal cudgel just before the statute of limitations ran out, and sued Campos' doctors and St.
The federal statute also provided for stiffer sentences than wire fraud he said, providing a heavy cudgel in plea-bargain negotiations.
On the I-nternet, "openness" may be nothing more than a verbal cudgel wielded by the public relations groups in big corporations.
They think the American people will believe their use of the debt ceiling as a cudgel was principled and perhaps even courageous.
For years it has used the Wright amendment as a cudgel to prevent competitors from moving in on its Dallas-Fort Worth gold mine.
For years it has used the 1979 law as a cudgel to prevent competitors from moving in on its Dallas-Fort Worth gold mine.
There was much conjecture on Friday that Jackson's tough-minded ruling could be the cudgel the parties need to get them back to the negotiating table.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Cover: 'Microsoft Enjoys Monopoly Power...'
Those rate hikes may be getting most of the attention, but the real cudgel would be higher taxes on capital gains and dividends going to high-earners.
Second, he painted Dukakis -- whom he (accurately) called "a card-carrying member of the ACLU" -- as soft on crime, using as his cudgel Dukakis' support for a prisoner-furlough program.
In a preliminary report on the antitrust trial against the software giant, Jackson determined that Microsoft used the dominance of its Windows operating system as a cudgel against competitors, stifling innovation and limiting consumer choice.
The budget cuts, known in Washington DC as the sequester, were devised in 2011 as an intentionally painful cudgel to encourage Democrats and Republicans in Congress to strike a deal to reduce the US budget deficit.
BBC: Sequester: Obama urges governors to prod Congress to deal
After the Rasul decision, the PR momentum picked up speed and the Supreme Court became, in Mr. Levick's words, their "main weapon, " a "cudgel" that forced more attention in what he calls the traditional "liberal" press.
Spitzer resigned his Governorship in disgrace, but none of the heads of the big banks, who defrauded the public of billions, has so much as set foot in a courtroom, and no one has taken up the cudgel since Spitzer dropped it.
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