Perhaps they should have taken a cue from Greenwood and given CEO Waksal a time-out.
In a reversal of history, Wall Street took its cue from Sand Hill Road.
It includes three cooking classes, visits to a cheesemaker and fish market, route maps and cue sheets.
Samsung patent trial revealing that SVP Eddy Cue was longing for a more book-friendly iPad in 2011.
Ambac Chairman and CEO Michael Callen is looking for a cue from the feds as the industry recovers.
Perhaps the Port Authority should take its cue from New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
The difference between old and new 'cue goes as deep as the meat itself.
Cue lots of excited talk that a new tech IPO boom may be in the making.
Sometimes literacy is just about (cue music from yoga class) being present in our financial decisions.
Take a cue from Bill Gates and the Rockefellers: Set up your own nonprofit organization.
FORBES: Why Do Colleges And Charities Speculate With Your Donations?
Cue all manner of special effects: spiders the size of hubcaps, elephants in the hallway.
Thankfully, most of the key functions (cue, volume, fade, loops etc) have hardware controls too.
You can configure four different triggers at one time, controlling cue points, looping and so on.
Netflix is taking a cue from HBO and Showtime by producing its own original content.
FORBES: Households Abandoning Cable and Satellite for Streaming
On cue, the sounds of the fife-and-drum corps filled the hall with Colonial-era music.
As if on cue, South Carolina's Republican presidential primary last weekend raised new concerns.
Then, as if on cue, a New York Times news alert crossed my new BB 9930.
Middle East peacemakers should take a cue from what's been happening in Northern Ireland.
It's a classic McBeal moment -- the kind Flockhart delivers, it seems, on cue.
In the past, Arab nations took their cue from the large countries at the centre.
You can also take a sartorial cue from the Italians and wear pastel colored suits.
Its detection on cue confirmed the model, suggesting that OJ287 was a black hole binary.
Cue RetroSound's freshly-available Model Two: an in-dash radio that pairs classic looks with modern features.
And, right on cue, two foreign-owned, high-tech multinationals have just announced plans for the region.
ECONOMIST: They want to emulate the boom in the rest of the south-west
With investors now taking their cue from central bankers, gold started making headlines once again.
FORBES: Gold Is Back Big Time: Draghi And Bernanke Prime The Pump
The market will in particular take its cue from retail sales, said one trader.
FORBES: Comex Gold Steady To Slightly Higher Ahead Of U.S. Retail Sales, PPI
This is a cue to say that they had seven children, one of them Mia Farrow.
Mr. Cue is an avid music listener like Mr. Jobs and likes artists including Bruce Springsteen.
Cue much wailing and gnashing of teeth in the New York Times and other places.
Cue cries of tax dodging, how ungrateful when we took him in those years before etc.