For him, it seems like a resume item, a curio to be collected and recounted on cue in a stylized video spot.
The organ-tinted cue in the Mission Delores graveyard seems to waft from the instrument playing inside the church (an organ prelude composed by Herrmann).
He swung his cue in a wide arc at head height to leave no-one in doubt about angry he was but that was not the most extreme reaction he was to produce.
Colored squares on the data tags for airplanes on the controller's radar screen change as pilots respond so that controllers get an extra visual cue in case a pilot doesn't see a message.
This is actually a dance version of a suspense cue in The Man Who Knew Too Much, signifying something not only mysterious but totally unreal: the reincarnation scam perpetrated on Scottie by his college friend Gavin in a diabolical scheme to get rid of his wife.
Cue anger in the press, especially the anti-EU English press (robbed of the right to buy traditional light bulbs, thundered the Mail).
FORBES: More Concerns About Cancer and Energy Saving Light Bulbs: Justified?
General Motors seems to have advanced the state of the art with its CUE system in the new Cadillac ATS, which among other things provides lots of customization.
FORBES: Ford Is Cut Up By Cutting Edge Of Car-Infotainment Technology
To get a head start, Chiron takes a gamble by producing one of the strains in December, taking its cue from strains circulating in the southern hemisphere.
But others in cue would suffer, including federal workers and federal programs that will impact the overall economy.
FORBES: U.S. Treasury To Run Out Of Money By Feb. 15, Study Says
The CUE entertainment system in the Cadillac ATS, meanwhile, has a clean, uncluttered design, natural voice recognition, and responsive touch screen technology that operates a lot like a smart phone or tablet.
If you'll recall, Cue was placed in charge of both Siri and Maps during an executive shakeup back in October, and it seems that he's clearing the runway in order to make things better in the months to come.
ENGADGET: Apple's Eddy Cue reportedly fires Richard Williamson, who oversaw the iOS 6 Maps team
Sproule said Nissan took a cue from super markets in the U.K. that pipe in a fresh bread smell.
Almost on cue and looking stunning in a traditional and heavily embroidered Indian skirt called a "lehnga, " Preet arrived to welcome Ramneeq.
It should take a cue from its brethren in beer, and, indeed, from its own success in selling more water and fewer sugar-sweetened products.
Qiming Ventures has five Chinese portfolio companies in the cue to go public soon: ramped up car rental service eHi from Shanghai, dating site Jiayuan, online video programming PPLive, social networking service Kaixin001 and kids entertainment site Taomee.
Taking their cue from a line in which one of the characters describes the Porters' one-room flat as "a very narrow strip of plain hell, " they have built a flat black wall five feet from the lip of the theater's stage, creating a claustrophobically narrow playing area in which the action takes place.
WSJ: Look Back in Anger | Still Angry After All These Years | Theater Review by Terry Teachout
The result: buy another Sonos ZonePlayer S5 and you can cue up music from Pandora in one room, and an audiobook from iTunes in another.
So, right on cue, we find ourselves in the midst of an efflorescence of Mormon jokes, Mormon books, a Mormon-themed Broadway show and four new scholarly books.
That was the cue for four more tries in the final 15 minutes as the Wallabies enjoyed a leisurely warm-up for two Tests against Italy and one against France over the next three weeks before the Tri-Nations.
The market will in particular take its cue from retail sales, said one trader.
FORBES: Comex Gold Steady To Slightly Higher Ahead Of U.S. Retail Sales, PPI
London's Pitt Cue Co. on Newburgh Street in Soho now has a line around the block well before it opens its doors for dinner at 6 p.m.
If unresponsiveness in Cadillac's CUE infotainment system has been a personal point of frustration, relief is on the way: an update to smooth things over is being worked on.
ENGADGET: Cadillac to update CUE infotainment system for improved responsiveness
Middle East peacemakers should take a cue from what's been happening in Northern Ireland.