He even speaks off the cuff, something no candidate is ever supposed to do.
Albers, a former Pusher, was recruited for "Cuff Me" duty after Flaherty thought it up.
Even younger residents drop off-the-cuff references to figures like Paul Revere in their casual bar-room banter.
The apparently off-the-cuff remark in an interview with Indian media astonished Pakistanis as much as Indians.
Which is exactly the point: You do something off the cuff and you just never know.
There's too much at stake for you to be gambling on audiences and their off-the-cuff questions.
Now you know where the ball is, don't you, that's right, under the cuff.....
You said, 'Did you ever find a cuff link in the shape of a ram?
In any event, Mr Balladur's latest comments were by no means off the cuff.
But just off the cuff to reporters again today spoke about lifting the ban being too distracting.
"Britney off the cuff doesn't exist, " said Phil Gallo, Billboard's senior correspondent for film and TV.
They are often invented off the cuff by the producer or even his secretary, and it shows.
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Politics, he now claims in an eloquent but hardly off-the-cuff peroration, is the natural culmination of his life.
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As a result, key decisions tend to be taken off the cuff and outside the institutions of government.
That's so you can discreetly check the time in a boring meeting without fussing with your shirt cuff.
Kotlyar says the features are mostly off-the-cuff ideas from Gmail engineers that take just a few hours to develop.
He had surgery in August to repair a capsule tear and remove debris in his rotator cuff and biceps.
Apparently, his off-the-cuff speech has boosted interest in his new Warner Bros. movie, Trouble With The Curve.
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In addition to suits, the company offers custom-made shirts, vests, blazers and trousers, along with cuff-links and pocket squares.
FORBES: Your Webcam Is Now A Tailor: NYC Startup Measures Bespoke Suits From Your Browser
The most popular orthopedic procedures, including back, knee and rotator-cuff surgery, are growing at 10% a year or more.
His trademark: a shirt that fits a Rolex watch right in the cuff.
There's not much to the off-the-cuff comparison except that, like the telephone giant, McNamee is trying to exploit the Internet.
Martin Cuff, an economic development specialist focusing on film, argues that the key is the emotional connection between audiences and what's on screen.
And she did not say that in the context of off-the-cuff remarks where you could reasonably presume that she simply misspoke.
Edwards said her one misgiving is that she has not yet seen Palin speak off the cuff without a prepared speech.
The casual jacket and off-the-cuff remarks have now given way to formal attire and interviews, to project a more presidential image.
Shot before an audience of just 60 fans at the Carousel House in Asbury Park, the set has a sweet, off-the-cuff feel.
Why is it so important that you know how to give a smart, savvy off-the-cuff reply in any impromptu situation at work?
FORBES: Eight Steps to an Impressive Off-the-Cuff Reply at Work
Others turn away due to the risk of well-documented personal attacks, disclosure issues or media scrutiny from off-the-cuff commentary.
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The rotator cuff, a group of tendons and muscles connecting the upper arm to the shoulder blade, is also important to paddling.