The charge of culpable homicide in Bangladesh carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.
After being convicted of culpable homicide, he was jailed for 10 years in October 2012.
Mr Conning appeared at the High Court in Edinburgh facing a charge of culpable homicide.
But a jury last month found her guilty of the lesser charge of culpable homicide.
The jury heard how Grenfell had offered to plead guilty to the culpable homicide of Mr Simpson.
Hadden, who was originally charged with murder, was convicted of culpable homicide at the High Court in Glasgow.
Nicholas Conning stood trial at the High Court in Edinburgh, where he denied a charge of culpable homicide.
His legal team say jurors were wrongly directed by the judge on the difference between murder and culpable homicide.
He pleaded not guilty to culpable homicide and to other charges of driving in a reckless and inconsiderate manner.
BBC: Oscar Pistorius brother Carl in court in homicide trial
He was also being sought by the police for theft, fraud and culpable homicide in the Roodepoort area of Johannesburg.
FORBES: Fake South African Billionaire Arrested For Fraud, Homicide Charges
Two men have admitted the culpable homicide of a former soldier after he went to the aid of his boss.
Khan's original conviction for murder was quashed on appeal, but he was convicted of culpable homicide in 2011 following a re-trial.
Pistorius could still see his charge downgraded to culpable homicide, meaning that he unintentionally killed Steenkamp, which is what he maintains.
The defence want him to face a lesser charge, possibly culpable homicide.
BBC: Oscar Pistorius: South Africa stunned by murder charges
The Crown accepted their guilty pleas to the charge of culpable homicide.
Carl Pistorius is charged with culpable homicide over the death of a woman motorcyclist in a traffic accident in 2008, his lawyer said.
BBC: Oscar Pistorius brother Carl also facing homicide trial
Now, an Indian court has ruled that he should face the serious charge of culpable homicide for a hit-and-run incident in 2002.
He said that having considered the submissions over the weekend, he considered there was no "legal sufficiency" in respect of the culpable homicide charge.
The jury heard how Grenfell had offered to plead guilty to the culpable homicide of Mr Simpson, claiming he had never "set out" to kill the pensioner.
In an unrelated case, the athlete's brother, Carl Pistorius, appeared in court on Wednesday charged with the culpable homicide of a female motorcyclist in a 2008 road crash.
He was originally charged with murdering the father-of-three, who bled to death after being stabbed, but the Crown accepted a guilty plea to the lesser charge of culpable homicide.
Mr Raghuvanshi said on Sunday that the nine would be formally charged with culpable homicide and causing death by negligence, once the investigation into the accident had been completed.
Grenfell's legal team are criticising the way Lord Burns explained the case to the jury, claiming they were wrongly directed on such issues as the difference between murder and culpable homicide.
At the High Court in Glasgow, Scott - who had faced a murder accusation but admitted to a charge of culpable homicide - was sentenced to three years and eight months.
Although the culpable homicide charge against Carl Pistorius was initially dropped, it was reinstated earlier this year because forensic evidence and reports from the accident scene became available, it quotes prosecutors as saying.
BBC: Oscar Pistorius brother Carl in court in homicide trial
When Mr. Pistorius's lawyer, Barry Roux, was asked by the magistrate what he would have argued for if he were the prosecution, he said at most culpable homicide, which is a much smaller sentence.
Interestingly, the prosecutor and magistrate today both raised, in abstract terms, the possibility of the charges against Oscar Pistorius being reduced from murder to culpable homicide - something which could mean a fine or suspended sentence rather than a long jail term.
In its 400-page report, the committee recommended that the owner of Rana Plaza, Sohel Rana, along with the owners of the five garment factories housed in the building, to be charged with "culpable homicide, " for allegedly forcing employees to return to work on April 24 even though cracks had appeared on an exterior wall the previous day.