Schools, and the education they provide, are the preferred vehicle to assist migrant children in the processes of social and cultural integration.
In other words, a rate of immigration that outruns the capacity for cultural integration threatens the distinctive national institutions that ensure freedom and prosperity.
If this theory of race is correct (and more research is certainly needed), it indicates a strong prescription: policies that encourage groups to retain their identity within a society will cause trouble, but those that encourage cultural integration will smooth things over.
It would also facilitate their cultural and civic integration.
So that we give poor families, working families, an opportunity to move into neighborhoods, to provide some cultural and racial integration in those neighborhoods, to maybe get them access to better schools.
The integration of intangible cultural heritage into educational curricula and programmes can improve both formal and non-formal education by promoting inter alia intercultural dialogue and cultural exchange, broadening access and cultural relevance, stimulating creativity, increasing intergenerational engagement in the community, etc.
Challenges include the integration of social, cultural and economic aspects into existing environmental education activities and contexts.
The Prize rewards outstanding contributions by organizations and individuals to the cause of Latin American and Caribbean unity and integration based on respect for cultural traditions and humanist values.
Where governments reflect the preferences and beliefs of most citizens, democratically or otherwise, and where those preferences call for cultural distinctness and non-western values, economic integration does not militate against diversity, least of all against religious diversity.
But cultural explanations of immigrant behaviour also collide with belief in the integration model.
ECONOMIST: Six years on, the banlieues are still a world apart
It promotes an activity of outstanding merit, anywhere in the world in favour of unity and integration of Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as the preservation of their identities, cultural traditions and historical values.
The prize is to reward significant contribution, in any region of the world, to the unity and integration of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, and to the preservation of their identities, cultural traditions and historical values.