It is particularly important to make responsible consumption choices, starting with curbing unnecessary consumption.
Thailand is holding peace talks with Muslim insurgents aimed at curbing violence in the south.
He cites the case of Australia, where a law curbing fees had a similar outcome.
If speculation is responsible for these price rises then curbing speculation will curb the price rises.
On July 28th the head of the police was sacked for not curbing the rioting.
Are we closer to curbing the outsize and levered bonuses that contributed to the financial crisis?
That would mean secure banking services without curbing the supply of credit and other financial services.
On Wednesday, the SEC responded with three new rules aimed at curbing abusive short-selling.
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Le Pen, who has called for sharply curbing immigration, received 18% of the vote.
CNN: French presidential rivals enter final day of campaigning
Bishop Welby called the most costly loans "usury", saying that curbing them was a "moral" issue.
At the same time, dwindling farmlands and, especially in China, urbanisation are curbing supply.
ECONOMIST: Is the decline in grain stockpiles a cause for alarm?
There's no doubt that the Chinese could speak knowledgeably on curbing the problem of steroid use.
Thatcherism was about privatising nationalised industries and curbing the unions not about short-changing patients and pupils.
Among them is one on Arizona's hugely controversial law aimed at curbing illegal immigration.
Delhi Metro is essential for curbing congestion and pollution in the capital, which boasts a population of 16 million.
Egypt's health authorities have talked of curbing the practice since as long ago as the 1950s.
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Over the 107 years spanning these two studies, these measures were highly effective in curbing malaria.
Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), aims at curbing juvenile violence, and includes many proposals not related to gun control.
Curbing climate change means both removing carbon from the atmosphere and oceans and avoiding new carbon emissions.
That said, cognitive therapy as pioneered by Dr. April Benson can be effective in curbing shopping appetites.
For curbing bad guys, the speed and visibility of the Internet can be a very useful thing.
Chrysler has other big aims, too--curbing wage costs and getting more flexibility to adjust production if necessary.
In France lofty tax hikes have already been curbing high-end activity and suppressing prices, according to Savills.
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Officials also outlined a series of diplomatic actions to reinforce the administration's commitment to curbing such thefts.
India had hoped that Pakistan would respond to its ceasefire by curbing militancy in the Muslim-majority state.
The second is the the Tories are examining curbing benefit for new claimants and not existing ones.
Abroad, meanwhile, outflows of gold had their customary effect of reducing the money supply and curbing demand.
Lastly, to the extent the Nordics have prospered, they have done so un-Nordically, by curbing the state.
Inhibitors work by curbing the action of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), which governs the release of angiotensin-2.
Unless this trend is curbed, he says, the UK will miss its targets on curbing climate change and sulphur pollution.