Yet the supermajority may not prove to be the cure-all that many Democrats hope.
The sweetener is central to a battle in Asia to find the next cure-all gum.
Although the plan has forestalled Armageddon in the American housing market, it is no cure-all.
To avoid being tagged a "net utopian, " Mr. Johnson warns that the Internet is not a cure-all.
The regulators have been hounding McClung about cure-all claims he made (until recently) in infomercials for Super Blue Stuff.
Reverse payment settlement opponents had placed a great deal of emphasis on the Cipro case as a cure-all solution.
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Washington has promoted low interest rates as a housing cure-all, while Wall Street cowers in a lawsuit-weary fetal position.
At a small business discussion I raised my usual cure-all for what ails India, truly letting Wal-mart into the country.
But this would not be a cure-all, even assuming that the Germans are now willing to consider an option they previously rejected.
It is disingenuous to suggest some sort of French fry prohibition on kids' menus will be the cure-all to children's weight problems.
Previous QE may not have been a cure-all, but it has helped.
Yes, that floating fiat money is surely some kind of cure-all.
There was always the risk that once the Barnes embraced the idea of relocation as a cure-all, other institutions would resort to the same thing.
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Cure-all fruit drinks are all the rage in the world of multilevel marketing, where distributors often sign up with the idea that they will get rich quick.
"Green tea is the cure-all one week, and the next the data isn't good, " says nutritionist Linda Chio, who works at the New York University Clinical Cancer Center.
Twitter's O'Leary noted that the security upgrade isn't a cure-all.
Antidepressants may not be a cure-all for every ailment or behavioral issue, but they're a step to discuss with your vet if you're at the end of your leash.
It's more than speculation, but as with almost all things psychiatric, my take on the studies is that establishing routines isn't the cure-all that it is sometimes touted to be.
The prosperity that comes with more money is not by itself a cure-all against an ill-led life, and may be a source of dangerous foolishness, as Aeschylus warned centuries ago.
What undoubtedly benefits a small number of children with specific problems, such as hyperactivity, can all too easily become an instant, cheap cure-all for youngsters who may be misbehaving because they are bored, miserable, badly nourished or for any other reason.
Flexibility is not a cure-all.
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But if the days of HRT as a catch-all wonder-drug that could cure all problems are over, that may have its own benefits.