In Current Biology, Marc Hauser of Harvard University and his colleagues compare chimpanzees and humans directly.
However, in a paper in Current Biology, Clare Lynch and Michael Tristem, of Imperial College, London, suggest an answer.
The study by Marie Dacke is reported in the journal Current Biology.
The researchers outline in Current Biology just how NOC did it.
The results are published in this week's issue of Current Biology.
The new research is reported in the journal Current Biology.
But the authors of the paper in Current Biology said females, particularly adolescent females, and young chimps in general were seen exhibiting this behaviour more frequently than adult males.
But don't write off those grunts and hoots just yet, at least according to a new study that appears in the Oct. 15 issue of the journal Current Biology.
Studying coral reefs in the western Indian Ocean, the researchers of the report published in "Current Biology" found that overfishing is at its worst in areas that are socio-economically underdeveloped.
CNN: Beating poverty could save coral reef fish, report says
For the second paper of the trio, published in Current Biology in September, shows that it is now possible to make a surprisingly accurate reconstruction, in full motion and glorious Technicolor, of exactly what is passing through an awake person's mind.
In a new study published today in the journal Current Biology, Roenneberg and his colleagues surveyed the sleep habits of more than 65, 000 adults and found that people with different weekday and weekend sleep schedules had triple the odds of being overweight.
That's despite the fact that more species have been described in the last decade than in any previous one, according to a report published online on November 15 in the Cell Press publication Current Biology that details the first comprehensive register of marine species of the world-a massive collaborative undertaking by hundreds of experts around the globe.
ENGADGET: Scientists estimate at least one third of marine species remain unknown to humans
Its purpose is to provide an exploration of the issues arising from current research in biology, particularly stem cell research.
He has published his software results in the current issue of Genome Biology.
FORBES: Do-It-Yourself Gene Testing Threatens Myriad's Monopoly
Given the current state of knowledge of the biology of the disease, these epidemiologists argued, an elimination campaign could not guarantee to stop transmission, and thus keep the case-load down.
The researchers published their work in the current issue of the Journal of Evolutionary Biology.