We haven t just shipped a bunch of transistors and left them in their current state.
In its current state, Windows 8 has a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde split personality.
This current state plays in the hands of some, to the detrement of others.
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Given the current state of the world, a balanced portfolio may be the best option.
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But it is a five-year-old problem which is partly responsible for his current state of mind.
Lehdonvirta says Bitcoin has gotten outsized media attention given its current state of development.
Where does corporate social responsibility fit in with the current state of management education?
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In its current state, scratching requires an absurd dexterity and a love for mind-melting sonic distortions.
But Mali's legal landscape has been confused by the current state of emergency, she says.
Or you could wind up in more trouble than your current state of financial confusion.
These are controversial suggestions, perhaps unworkable given the current state of eurozone public opinion.
In a crisis, there is inevitably a gap between the desired and current state of affairs.
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With the current state of the market, net-asset value can be a confounding calculation.
In fact, many experts express little confidence in the current state of airport security.
CNN: Behavioral screening -- the future of airport security?
Becca, now semi-retired, offers a withering assessment of the current state of Caribbean cricket.
According to the projects' site, however, it can't quite handle carbonated beverages in its current state.
Chan highlighted the current state of the Eurozone as another factor putting downward pressure on risk-assets.
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It's a particular concern amid current state and local government budget problems, he contends.
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The current state of the markets and the global economies were another common topic.
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Our current state of affairs, Analyst 1.5, finds us in a kind of limbo.
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But in its current state of strategic imbecility, no European leader can acknowledge this basic fact.
That, of itself, says quite a lot about the current state of management thinking.
Perhaps more importantly, this military solution and current state of emergency is potentially damaging for the military.
If Square were to put out an S-1 tomorrow in its current state, would it look pretty?
Though his emphasis is on our current state of knowledge, Mr. Scharf does not neglect his history.
Given the current state of gridlock, Congress could adjourn for the year without any estate tax deal.
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The only information that has to travel down the wires is about the current state of play.
Given the current state of U.S.-Russia bilateral relations, recent discussions surrounding the BST project are somewhat surprising.
So, as the battle hots up, what do the figures show about the current state of the market?
The current state of the economy has shaped the workforce, as well as where and how we work.
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