But the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA) says fewer appeals resulted in changed grades.
The committee also questioned the "coherence" of introducing changes to GCSEs before deciding the accompanying national curriculum.
It called on the government to publish its plans for the secondary curriculum "as soon as possible".
Lemon serves as an adjunct professor at Brooklyn College, teaching and participating in curriculum designed around new media.
Alex Salmond said there was an "increasing body of opinion" that supported the new curriculum.
Finally, you may have to submit a detailed curriculum of daily activities and food menus.
Curriculum for Excellence sets a "rightly ambitious agenda" for reform in Scottish education, he added.
The old curriculum was not just an impediment, it was actually driving people away.
Starting out as a pilot for early childhood education curriculum in New Haven, Conn.
All the same, students appreciate Kyodai's insistence on a broader curriculum in early years.
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The company has built an entire curriculum around it, printed in several three-ring binders.
She devised a curriculum for her that involved a lot of one-on-one work in all subjects.
Under the current national curriculum schools teach seven to 11-year-olds about "managing the environment sustainably".
BBC: Keep climate change lessons in curriculum, urge petitions
He has helped train our faculty and develop our curriculum, and he personally teaches some workshops.
We are studying and incorporating design thinking as an important part of our curriculum.
Hope recalls his time in boarding school, where he rebelled against the strict musical curriculum.
Ethics have become like human resources, an autonomous element of business curriculum directed by self-proclaimed experts.
The government said it was looking at history teaching as part of the national curriculum review.
Children study the national curriculum in the morning and receive a Koranic education in the afternoon.
We are giving schools more freedom over the curriculum and teaching - not less.
The curriculum was demanding, including instruction in English and mathematics, as well as religion.
The real stumbling block is the way using a tablet device often means reforming the curriculum.
The NUT, holding its annual conference in Liverpool, heard strong criticism of the planned new curriculum.
The NUT's general secretary Christine Blower said the curriculum was "desperately ill thought out".
There are more people learning Welsh and it's now part of our national curriculum.
The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority commissioned an international panel to scrutinise its efforts to maintain standards.
With the two of them gone, the school purged the curriculum of its religious orientation.
Online courses can be provided as part of regular degree programs or as discrete curriculum-independent products.
FORBES: The Real Winners of the Coming Revolution in Higher Education
To date, 41 of the 50 states have dropped it from their teaching curriculum.
It's a traditional curriculum with a twist: a 12-step model program designed to prevent relapse.
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