Savory custard: She mixes the flowers with eggs, chicken stock, soy sauce and diced shitake mushrooms.
At McCrady's, Mr. Brock serves a buckwheat ice cream made by steeping toasted groats in a custard base.
Murals of leafy parks, local history and custard creams are being painted on two 1970s concrete subways in Carlisle.
In other walks of life, the "custard cream" has been honoured thanks to it being voted the UK's favourite biscuit.
Once fried, the cakes' interiors take on the taste and creaminess of milk-custard, which contrasts nicely with the crunchy exterior.
Watching somebody wade through custard is the kindest way anybody has ever come up with to describe my dance floor manoeuvres.
Bake until the custard is set and lightly browned, about 45 minutes.
Her mural reflects local landmarks and history, including the Carlisle coat of arms and the custard cream biscuit, which is made in the city.
Gates also eluded Noel Godin, who's slapped the Wizard of Redmond with a tasty custard pie on a previous trip to the Benelux country.
FORBES: Gates Ducks Questions, Pies; Forsee May Replace Sprint's Esrey.
The result: A custard with a silky texture, studded with petals.
In 1939, having searched high and low for the right machine, the father and son team chanced upon a street vendor in Chicago selling frozen custard.
FORBES: The Low Down on Soft Serve on National Soft Ice Cream Day
Referring to the seven-year-old boy who was forced to eat custard when he was crying and gagging, the Teaching Agency said Mrs Whitfield's actions were "plainly inappropriate".
BBC: Teacher Amanda Whitfield who force-fed custard is banned
At home, my tiramisu recipe of choice is a simple one from chef Lidia Bastianich in which both ladyfingers and zabaglione, an airy custard, are laced with limoncello.
WSJ: Limoncello Tiramisu: After-Dinner Drink and Dessert in One | A Little Something Sweet
"Some children say they have had last night's KFC for breakfast or a packet of custard creams and you can tell by their behaviour and hyperactivity, " he said.
If the foundation of a pie especially a custard pie like a pumpkin pie is too dry or too wet, it could crumble apart or slide off forks.
Total food sales were up by 2.3% from October last year, with shoppers stocking up on Christmas goods and buying comfort food such as traditional puddings, custard and slow-cooked meats.
There, I continued my affair with rice puddings, exploring variations like Spanish arroz con leche, Indian kheer and khao niao sang khaya a sticky rice and coconut custard that's popular in Thailand.
But Custard Clown Uncle Colin and his prankster pal Mr Woo, sporting a bright red wig, rosy cheeks and garish checked suit, were on hand to buffoon around and warm up the crowds.
Grab some bottles to go and seek out a picturesque spot to taste them with the Cape Malay favourite, bobotie, a curried mince dish cooked with dried fruits and topped with a savoury egg custard.
Ms. Mittal Naidoo, who had spent the whole day preparing, fluidly moved between guests and kitchen, happily doling out seconds (and thirds), while making sure the mint curry biryani and cardamom French custard came out just right.
As was the case that night, my father would often buy me an ice cream cone at a nearby custard stand on Okalahoma Avenue as a gratuity for my patience while I waited in the car and he shopped.
Key limes are yellow, and that is the colour of an authentic Key lime pie, which is nothing more than a custard of Key lime juice, sweetened condensed milk and egg yolks in a cracker crust, then topped with meringue or whipped cream.
Afternoon tea at the swanky-and-sleek MO Bar will get an Easter touch April 6 through 9, when guests can help themselves to an elaborate holiday dessert buffet including hand-painted chocolate eggs, custard tarts sprinkled with currants and traditional British treats of the season, such as hot cross buns and marzipan-covered Simnel cake.