Sewn into custom-made underwear, it would have been hard to detect during a pat-down.
Dressed in his usual battle gear (a custom-made suit), Del Vecchio coolly greeted his guest.
When it comes to custom-made, high-tech home building, prefabricated home systems can be a boon.
The company now offers a system for custom-made clothes, a sort of Savile Row by mouse-click.
H. decided to ascend to the apex of all things English and buy a custom-made shotgun.
It's custom-made for people who use many devices, including desktop PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
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The vaccine for each GBM patient is custom-made from that patient's own tumor cells.
Johnny Depp, for example, owns at least two custom-made skateboards from Bustin Boards, a Brooklyn, N.
They have snazzy websites and agents, do recordings and get multiple, custom-made outfits from selected tailors in Mexico.
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The custom-made "Metric Mystery" board is divided into a grid of 36 squares, Brendon told his rapt audience.
The site features custom-made T-shirts, hoodies, and other clothing, with positive messages of the charities on the items.
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Watch for bits of flying ice as the bartender chips smaller pieces from their custom-made ice blocks into a cocktail shaker.
Some custom-made styles worth "tens of thousands of dollars" are returned to designers the next morning, Chavez said.
Steven Wyner spends the bulk of his days sitting behind his 14-foot-long custom-made desk fielding calls from anxious parents.
Tooling up these custom-made molds, which wear out after 100, 000 injections, is a big part of Omni's cost structure.
In addition to suits, the company offers custom-made shirts, vests, blazers and trousers, along with cuff-links and pocket squares.
FORBES: Your Webcam Is Now A Tailor: NYC Startup Measures Bespoke Suits From Your Browser
You could do the measuring yourself and order custom-made shirts over the Internet.
FORBES: Shop For High Fashion in the Comfort of Your Own Home
My clearest memories of them are from watching custom-made earthquake simulation trucks that periodically set up in commercial districts.
The operating system is a heavily reworked version of Android, custom-made by Amazon.
The base price for a custom-made pair of Louboutins is four thousand dollars.
Why not sell custom-made mens suits office-to-office the way you sell books door-to-door?
The backless transom on the custom-made boat isn't for easier dumping, he says.
At the time the extensive risks of such custom-made drugs, so widely used by veterinarians, were prominently noted.
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The new feet are custom-made implants that "peg" the ankle to the foot.
Built from aluminum and durable rubber, the headphones feature a custom-made, ultra-light acoustic fabric on the ear pad covers.
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He likened it to buying a custom-made suit versus one off the rack.
Its custom-made gear keeps the packets flying at telcos and cable companies and the giant data centers delivering the Web.
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Custom-made for 17-year-old Garland in 1939, the frock has a 27-inch waist and her name sewn on the inside hem.
For such a generous commitment, these donors will be given custom-made steel long swords crafted by master swordsmith Angus Trim.
McDerment's online strategy starts with his Web site, which features a custom-made forum that runs on free, open-source software called PunBB.