Companies like, a leading developer of customer relationship management software, are using Google Maps.
We sell primarily customer relationship management software and technologies to small, medium and a few large sized customers.
The application, called CRM Communications Connector, serves as a bridge between Cisco's IP telephones and Microsoft's customer relationship management software.
We specialize in sales and marketing technologies, particularly customer relationship management software.
Companies like (nyse: CRM - news - people ), a leading developer of customer relationship management software, are using Google Maps.
SuccessHawk is customer relationship management software for your job search.
Oracle at its heart is about customer relationship management software.
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But we sell accounting and customer relationship management software.
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My company sells software, primarily Customer Relationship Management software.
In the recent Gartner report Market Share Analysis: Customer Relationship Management Software, Worldwide, 2012 published April 18, 2013 the authors provide insights into why the worldwide CRM market experienced 12% growth in 2012, three times the average of all enterprise software categories.
My technology firm sells accounting, customer relationship and service management software.
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Like , RightNow aimed to sell its customer relationship management (CRM) software as a low-maintenance, Web-based service, not a shrink-wrapped product.
SaaS software applications such as customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning are deployed alongside database and middleware software.
Nationwide, the mutual savings bank in the UK, uses Portrait software for customer relationship management.
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In 1999, it typically cost a several million dollars and several months to implement new business software like a Customer Relationship Management system from Oracle.
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My company sells customer relationship management, accounting, and other business software.
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At the same time, the company added specialist roles for complementary products in the software portfolio, such as a customer relationship management product.
The Surrey Hotel in New York was an early adopter of the powerful Libra OnDemand software, which aids in "customer relationship management, " or CRM.
Marc Benioff knew that Seibel had already started a river flowing of demand for a customer relationship management (CRM) database package for businesses, but they were a traditional software model.
The applications software market consists of various applications like Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management and Business Intelligence to name a few.
We use Windows Terminal Server as a thin client to operate our three main software applications: Microsoft Office, QuickBooks and GoldMine, a customer relationship management program.
And other software vendors created applications for accounting, order entry, inventory management, communications and customer relationship management.
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