Users can completely customise their computer desktop, changing, for example, its colour and look.
Nokia's reluctance to customise phones for specific operators, a policy it has since reversed, did not help.
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The company duly increased holiday and commissions, increased training and ditched a plan to customise the trays.
Without changing their production process, traditional car makers will not really be able to customise their cars.
First, software as a service is much harder to customise for the special needs of big firms.
Sound BlasterAxx Control Panel lets users fully customise and control their audio experience from a PC or Mac.
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Such services appeal mostly to small businesses and firms that do not need to customise their applications very much.
Other operating systems - such as Android - allow manufacturers to customise the look and feel of the interface.
Ultimately if the handset proves popular, it says it hopes third-party developers will customise their programs for the innovation.
The simplest approach is to design a product that buyers can customise themselves.
That's where an app called BandPage comes in, which allows you to customise your Facebook page however you want.
ASPs over the first is precisely that customers can now customise their pages, as easily as consumers arrange their Yahoo!
Digital Forming, a related company (where Dr Mahdavi is chief technology officer), uses 3D design software to help consumers customise mass-produced products.
The touch-enabled interface offers a fantastic user experience, allowing music fans to customise their Deezer home page around their favourite artists and tracks.
ENGADGET: Deezer launches on Windows 8, streams music with Charms and Snaps (video)
As early as this month, airlines worldwide may start testing a strategy that could customise airfare pricing and itinerary results based on who is searching.
The Windows Phone 8 start-screen lets you customise and pin Live Tiles with topics of personal interest, providing real-time updates that are uniquely yours.
It effectively arrives as a basic tool for you to customise with apps to create the kind of mobile device that suits your lifestyle.
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It is also possible to customise the settings for each and every piece of information posted to Facebook to reflect who you think should see it.
What sort of phone you carry and how you customise it says a great deal about you, just as the choice of car did for a previous generation.
It also lured customers by giving them the ability to customise their playlists, and by pricing songs bought from its iTunes online store at a not-too-steep 99 cents apiece.
Cyclists can now plan their trips, make use of bike lanes, calculate cycle-friendly routes that avoid big hills and customise the map for cycling on smart phones and computers.
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Then, you can use the free Android Gmail app to customise the Label and Notification settings so that the device only alerts you when you have received a message labelled top priority.
That it takes time to customise a portal to your own tastes makes switching tiresome, but most web users are fickle and the inconvenience is unlikely to deter them for long.
Angstrom Medica hopes to use this to customise NanOss to produce implants suitable for patients of different ages: compared to the elderly, young people require implants that can be absorbed rapidly.
Driving is much less fun than it used to be because of increased traffic congestion and the fact that the kind of cars most people can afford are "utilitarian" and difficult to customise.
Until now, Viewpoint's strategy has been to place itself at the bottom of the feeding chain: film studios and special-effects houses customise its models before Steven Spielberg and his ilk weave them into their story lines.
Gamers cannot customise consoles, but they can, and do, upgrade their PCs regularly with faster processors, graphics cards, extra memory, and anything else that will give them an edge over their opponents on the virtual field of honour.
Just as three drink sizes and various types of coffees, milks and syrups became the core ingredients that people could customise to suit their own tastes, so Vivanno is aiming to take Starbucks into the smoothie trade (popularised by Jamba Juice) without greatly altering its production methods.