If you want a short cut into the heart of British culture, watch the British at play.
The weight of massive retirement plans cut into profits, so naturally there was only one solution.
FORBES: What Europe And State Governments Should Learn From American Airlines
Warning: These savings are likely to cut into your family's eligibility for financial aid.
Once cut into pieces, the huge sections will be transported away on huge lorries for recycling.
Sound escapes into the auditorium via grills cut into the front of the stage.
This could cut into sales for Onyx Pharmaceuticals and Bayer 's Nexavar drug for kidney cancer.
CDOs are pools of loans and other assets, cut into slices with different risks.
Obviously, the fear was the Kindle would cut into the sales of audio books.
If doctors really like the new drug, it could conceivably cut into Risperdal's sales growth.
Practices are held on Saturday afternoons, so they won't cut into official school hours.
The imposition of excise tax on these unbranded players will cut into their already razor-thin margins.
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Inflation has cut into the real value of wages and profits, pushing up poverty again.
But people still view it as nothing but speed, because it is cut into little tasks.
Ed took a knife from the magnetic rack and cut into one of the Finnish loaves.
Later versions used wooden boards with grooves cut into them where beads could rest.
The Cullinan was later cut into nine large stones and about 100 smaller ones.
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We've put a tax cut into the pockets of 95 percent of hardworking families.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces $4 Billion Investment in Education | The White House
Yogi Berra said he wanted it cut into eight pieces because he was feeling hungry.
It's cut into strips and used to wrap the mixture for grilling, but is not eaten.
If your guests' visit stretches over multiple days, that could cut into your work week.
That has cut into prices, but it is a huge improvement over last year's drought-induced shortage.
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These factors, along with fiscal and inflation concerns, cut into investment activity on behalf of India companies.
Already the cost of troop protection has started to cut into other procurement programmes, say industry insiders.
These expenses cut into your returns and you will not get a refund based on relative underperformance.
The real concern is that the settlement would cut into the interchange rates and threaten future revenue.
Moreover, despite dire warnings that the European Union slowdown could cut into China investment this year, E.
FORBES: Eight Months And Running, Foreigners Cut Investments In China
Cut into the middle of the corn kernels and slice down the entire length of the cob.
Tighter credit, in theory, could cut into inflation, which is just over 5% over the last 12 months.
The Thunder led by as much as 35 before Houston's reserves cut into the lead in garbage time.
It spins huge rolls, 6.4 metres wide (21.3 feet) wide, that are then cut into more manageable sizes.