If you want a short cut into the heart of British culture, watch the British at play.
Sound escapes into the auditorium via grills cut into the front of the stage.
Obviously, the fear was the Kindle would cut into the sales of audio books.
Inflation has cut into the real value of wages and profits, pushing up poverty again.
We've put a tax cut into the pockets of 95 percent of hardworking families.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces $4 Billion Investment in Education | The White House
The real concern is that the settlement would cut into the interchange rates and threaten future revenue.
Cut into the middle of the corn kernels and slice down the entire length of the cob.
The Thunder led by as much as 35 before Houston's reserves cut into the lead in garbage time.
From a distance, it resembles a three-dimensional hole cut into the forest.
Urahn says the problem has been exacerbated by the recession, which has cut into the value of state investment funds.
Countries sometimes say they block Skype because its free or low-cost calls cut into the revenue of local phone companies.
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Wall Street has already priced a tax cut into the markets, says Richard Berner, chief U.S. economist at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.
Red treated glass pieces are cut into the mahogany steps that lead up the party space, along with a red leather-wrapped banister.
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When they cut into the wall, they could clearly see the handle.
Reisinger said the unseasonably warm weekend may have cut into the haul.
And be gentle: If you're too rough, you can cut into the gum and cause bleeding or even a soft-tissue wound over time.
Twenty-two years and several fatal accidents later, this incline was moderated by the Spiral Tunnels, a pair of ingenious corkscrews cut into the mountainside.
Flat land is at a premium, and orchards are planted pragmatically, stepping higgledy-piggledy uphill or weaving a line along thin terraces cut into the hillsides.
Other critics said the money would be better spent on drug treatment efforts at home, to cut into the demand that fuels the drug trade.
It is a small drift mine - a mine cut into the side of a hill, where the coal seam is accessed by walking in.
For Americans sorting through the news on their television sets, perhaps the gloomiest bit is realising just how deeply Iraq will cut into the national pocketbook.
The power, volume, and camera buttons are on the edges, but they are cut into the edge, with the same depth and material as the edge.
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One day last April, as darkness inked across the valley below, somebody climbed up to the Tiger's Lair, accessible by a narrow ledge cut into the sheer granite.
Above the terracotta roofs of the commune of Domaso, terraces have been cut into the steep slope amid clumps of wild asparagus, trails of ivy and fresh-scented mint bushes.
We've put a tax cut -- a tax cut, not a tax hike -- a tax cut into the pockets of the vast majority of small business owners and employees.
It wasn't until later that afternoon, when our friends cut into the cake, that we realized that the seeping liquid wasn't just raw egg whites, but raw batter as well.
Two more men escaped unaided from the drift mine - a mine cut into the side of a hill where the coal seam is accessed horizontally - before emergency services arrived.
And that's why we're putting a tax cut into the pockets of 95 percent of working families who will see it -- see that tax cut in their paycheck by April 1st.
The visitors almost took the lead after only three minutes when Gradel found space on the right and cut into the box but Darren Randolph came out to block the Ivorian's effort.
The lanes will cut into the pavement around some bus stops to allow cyclists to undertake stationary buses on the left, rather than overtaking them on the right and having to move into traffic.