This is not a time to think about making substantial cuts in police numbers.
Talk to me about the war and how that cuts on the Democratic side.
But legislators had anticipated using that money to rebuild state projects after years of budget cuts.
The company buys existing oil-and-gas fields, which cuts the risk but also the payoff.
Everything else took a beating, thanks to a nasty mix of weak demand and price cuts.
The company's stock performance has been sluggish, reflecting job cuts stemming from declines in advertising sales.
Reagan's historic across-the-board tax cuts in 1981 were praised as a major victory against liberalism.
He pledged to fight against Small Business Administration (SBA) budget cuts and other cuts to loan subsidies.
The best ones carry an edge of acidity that cuts through butter or batter or fatty burger.
The US, in particular, has been trying to apply pressure to Opec to modify any output cuts.
The road to Bowen School cuts across dusty fields and through grim industrial zones in southeast Beijing.
The ingredients of the filling are measured out in strict ratios, and there are no short cuts.
But the timing puts added pressure on the majors as they negotiate pay and pension cuts from unions.
We have more than a trillion dollars in deficit reduction -- two-thirds from spending cuts.
These are tax cuts that everybody in Washington agrees on -- Democrats, Republicans, independents.
That is partly because some Republicans think bad cuts are better than no cuts at all.
BBC: Sequester: When budget cuts are a matter of life and death
However, in light of ongoing state budget and sequestration cuts, mental health services continue to erode.
Cuts always corresponded to sustained booms in investment and government receipts, hikes the opposite.
Some union leaders have warned they would reject deep job cuts among the group's 20, 000-strong workforce.
So, the question recurs: How long will it take before Mr. Bush cuts his losses?
These are harmful cuts with real-world consequences that will cost jobs and hurt our economy.
We are still in the process of dealing with the cuts we are having to face.
Labour leader Ed Miliband blamed the government's spending cuts for the reduced growth forecast.
My budget also replaces the foolish across-the-board spending cuts that are already hurting our economy.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget
Electricity workers, angry at lower severance payments, have suspended maintenance, so power cuts may follow.
Not to reduce the deficit, but to give more tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires.
Intel spokesman Tom Beerman declined to comment about the possible asset sales or the job cuts.
Western Greyhound said government cuts to public transport funding were affecting operators and passengers.
BBC: Western Greyhound and Cornwall Council bus subsidy deal
The crowd responded enthusiastically when McCain said he would make the Bush tax cuts permanent.
This is not to argue that there should be no future cuts in defense spending.