Often, critics say, these depend on ignoring legal safeguards in the name of cutting red tape.
Mr Sinha says he is cutting red tape and speeding up the approval process.
Can cutting red tape and duplicated work help rein in the skyrocketing cost of developing new medicines?
FORBES: Ten Pharmas Aim To Cut Red Tape To Speed Drug Development
And that's why my administration will keep cutting red tape and speeding up new oil and gas permits.
The decision led the Association of Convenience Stores to question the government's commitment to cutting red tape for businesses.
One way of injecting more dynamism into Central America's economies would be by improving transport links and cutting red tape.
The government has also promised to continue with its supply-side reforms, such as cutting red tape for small and medium-sized firms.
But she said she wanted to work with the police on cutting red tape and finding ways to modernise the job.
In June the coalition launched a review of childcare to see how it can be made more affordable by cutting red tape.
Like any business, we're also looking for ways to get more bang for our buck, by promoting innovation and cutting red tape.
Ministers are cutting red tape to make it easier for business people to move into empty premises and open so-called pop-up shops.
The party's manifesto for the European Parliament elections sticks to the usual bromides about reforming the common agricultural policy and cutting red tape.
However, Mr Thiraphong does fear competition from places such as Vietnam, because he reckons that the government there is better than Thailand's at cutting red tape.
Tory peer Lord Bruce-Lockhart, who chairs the Local Government Association, said the White Paper was "encouraging" and took "significant steps on local leadership, deregulation and cutting red tape".
The project team will build and beta-test new features and tools for entrepreneurs and businesses with the purpose of cutting red tape, increasing efficiency, and supporting American businesses and American jobs.
New York is consistently one of the worst at paying doctors, according to data compiled by AthenaHealth, the public company that has made cutting red tape for physicians a business model.
Asked about the availability of broadband internet nationally and the new 4G mobile phone network, Mrs Miller said that recent announcements on cutting red tape would help speed up delivery of the infrastructure.
He pointed to planning reforms and cutting red tape as examples of how the government was boosting growth - but vowed not to repeat the mistakes of the past on bank regulation when building the "new" economy.
The leaders are hoping for progress on issues like increased Internet access, "welfare to work" incentives for the long-term unemployed, cutting red tape, and progress towards a single EU financial market, which would mean cheaper borrowing for firms, better returns for savers and cheaper insurance policies.
Cutting the red tape that ties up construction projects could speed up the creation of all sorts of businesses.
Second, the regulatory environment will be simplified by cutting out red tape when we introduce a one-stop shop for businesses to deal with regulators.
Chris Christie, usually a severe critic, said the president had been outstanding and deserved great credit for cutting through red tape and getting help to his state.
It is a way of cutting through red tape to release funds for the fire fighting effort and to assist the rebuilding process through low interest loans.
In February, Transport Secretary Philip Hammond wrote to all councils in England informing them that he was cutting Whitehall red tape by scrapping existing government road-closure guidance.
Hoping to ease the likely slowdown brought on by the cuts, Athens have worked to introduce new rules aimed at cutting red-tape, which they hope will be passed and implemented by early April.
This cutting of red tape has delighted business - and doubtless those wanting a roof extension, too - but green groups and civic groups fear that the new system has handed power to a quango from politicians and people.
Cutting through the red tape will be good for families, good for communities and good for the national economy.
On the plus side, firms will no longer have to notify all their commercial agreements to the commission, cutting down on unnecessary red tape.
As the UK's Europe Minister, David Lidington, said: "If you look at the summit conclusions, you'll find very ambitious language there about strengthening the single market, cutting the amount of red tape and regulation on small businesses, on expanding external trade".