Many of the communications-infrastructure chip companies are still losing money, and because they were cash rich from the secondary offerings during the up cycle, they were not as aggressive in cost control during the down cycle.
The reality of the issue attention cycle suggests that gun control advocates' best hope may lie in executive action, not the legislative process.
IT, the very sector that was supposed to smooth out the business cycle through better inventory control, has ended up intensifying the current downturn.
Her chosen poison was oestrogen, one of the hormones that make women women and help to control the menstrual cycle.
It is pointless for a modern president to plead that some things, such as the business cycle, are beyond his control.
The immediate goal on both sides is simply to control the news cycle: there is no reasoned discourse, just strikes and counterstrikes.
Mr Aydogdu, who admitted opening the door without using his mirror, told police he thought Mr Harding had lost control of the cycle.
But in the 1970s, on Burns's watch as Fed chairman, unemployment rose, inflation took off and a growing sense of economic crisis made a mockery of the idea that governments could control the business cycle.
If the US were taking the Iranian threat seriously, the Obama administration would not be begging Iran to negotiate with it after Teheran demonstrated that it has complete control over the nuclear fuel cycle.
If he wants to cut taxes and increase public spending before the next general election, he will probably be able to do so without breaking his promise to balance the budget and control public-sector debt over the business cycle.
Fixed penalty notices can be issued by a PCSO to people who cycle on a footpath, litter or commit offences under dog control orders.
These transition processes will include an agency's capital planning and investment control processes, agency EA planning processes, and agency systems life cycle methodologies.
It's the first time since 1974 that Democrats have picked up three Republican House seats via special elections in a single cycle. (See last week's column.) Democrats now control the House 236-199.
To break out of the anxiety-filled cycle I have to give up the notion that I have some superhuman level of control.
We considered the 12 years from 2001-2012, and to control for any distortion of the artificial calendar year, we added the June-May cycle to the mix.
The curious life cycle of the parasite, called plasmodium, is one of the reasons why the disease has proved so difficult to control.
But there's precedent for such an approach, since the antiretroviral drugs that now control HIV infections are used in combination to hit the virus at more than one point in its life cycle.