There is talk of a test flight to the ISS, using its Cygnus spacecraft, sometime next year.
ECONOMIST: SpaceX goes to the ISS
Herschel will be remembered as the telescope that produced great vistas of gas and dust, as here in the constellation of Cygnus.
BBC: Herschel space telescope to go blind
One such is August Capital, which has a stake in Cygnus Solutions, the oldest open-source company and a supplier of development tools.
ECONOMIST: Open-source software
The Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) will shortly test its new Antares rocket before undertaking its own ISS demonstration with a robotic vessel called Cygnus.
BBC: SpaceX capsule returns with safe landing in Pacific
On Wednesday, Dr. Welsh and his colleagues announced that they have confirmed the existence of two more worlds in distinctive double-star solar systems in the constellation Cygnus.
WSJ: Galaxy Hosts 100 Billion Planets, in New Estimate
On Wednesday, Dr. Welsh and his colleagues announced that they have confirmed the existence of two more alien planets in distinctive double-star solar systems in the constellation Cygnus.
WSJ: Galaxy Hosts 100 Billion Planets, in New Estimate
Called Cygnus X-1, it is about 6, 100 light years away.
WSJ: NASA NuStar Telescope to Hunt for Black Holes
Nasa too will want to review the flight data before deciding whether to release more seed funding to Orbital, and to clear the company for a Cygnus freighter demonstration mission to the ISS. All being well, this next demonstration could occur in late June or early July.
BBC: Orbital's Antares rocket makes test flight