Plaid Cymru called on the Welsh government to "take urgent steps to ensure confidence in the system".
First Cymru warned of disruption to bus services, particularly in parts of south Wales.
Pwysleisiodd Mr Morgan hefyd bod nifer fach o gefnogwyr yn mynychu gemau Uwch Gynghrair Cymru.
It has been developed by Autism Cymru to bring together the autism community in Wales.
Plaid Cymru expressed disappointment that the measures would not extend to a wider range of organisations.
Pressure group Stonewall Cymru marked the start of the festival by launching a campaign against discrimination.
"We have rules that we have to adhere to, " says Nicola Roberts of Plaid Cymru.
However, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water said the ruling need to be "put in context".
However, he won't be doing that as the Plaid Cymru rural affairs spokesman, of course.
The Conservatives, Plaid Cymru and the Liberal Democrats lined up behind a joint amendment.
BBC: Deadline looms for Welsh government seeking budget deal
The funding is part of a budget deal that Labour struck with Plaid Cymru last year.
Plaid Cymru leader Ieuan Wyn Jones failed to register with seven out of 10 people.
At the time the Plaid Cymru AM was attending a pensions protest in Westminster.
Plaid Cymru's rural affairs spokesperson Llyr Huws Gruffydd AM claimed Labour was dragging its heels.
BBC: Welsh farming unions unhappy at badger cull differences
The row was raised in the assembly today by the Plaid Cymru leader, Leanne Wood.
Pwysleisiodd pwysigrwydd bod gan bobl Cymru ymwybyddiaeth a theimlad o berchnogaeth dros amgylchedd hanesyddol y wlad.
Plaid Cymru have renewed their call for Wales to have full control over its water.
Fe leisiodd llefarydd Plaid Cymru ei farn wrth arwain dadl ei blaid ar 25 Ionawr 2012.
Plaid Cymru's Health Spokesperson Helen Mary Jones says the Government is not listening to health professionals.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Politics Show | Wales: NHS operations withheld
It kicked off at Plaid Cymru's weekly press conference, the first of the new year.
In September 2000, Plaid Cymru backed a petition calling for the inclusion of a Welsh tickbox.
Plaid Cymru AM made the statement whilst leading his party's debate on 25 January 2012.
Snap Cymru is a charity dealing with children who have been excluded from schools.
She invited the First Minister to join Plaid Cymru in condemning plans for regional pay.
AMs were taking part in a Plaid Cymru lead debate on 30 May 2012.
Plaid Cymru economy spokesman Alun Ffred Jones said "huge swathes" of Wales had been left out.
Plaid Cymru said the figures were a "setback for the Welsh language and to us all".
Meanwhile, Plaid Cymru MP Hywel Williams has urged a UK government department to investigate the dispute.
Leighton Andrews AM was responding to a Plaid Cymru debate on education on 7 November 2012.
Plaid Cymru's leader, Gwynfor Evans, had been at the forefront of the campaign to halt Tryweryn.