Earlier today, reporters gathered in the press room at Foggy Bottom waiting for their daily briefing.
Thank you for being here in the Brady Briefing Room for your daily briefing.
He may have been briefed on it at his presidential daily briefing earlier today.
The President of the United States gets the presidential daily briefing every day.
Welcome to the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room for your daily briefing.
And he did, as he does every day, obviously have a presidential daily briefing today, and constant updates from his team.
Having been at this for two years, can you talk to us a bit about the value of the daily briefing?
Carney responded with unusually strong language at his daily briefing.
"It is quite disturbing, " he said at Wednesday's daily briefing.
We were in the economic daily briefing today and he was very actively involved in discussions around the issues that we discussed in terms of the Recovery Act and TARP.
The U.S. Embassy declined to comment on Friday and the chief State Department spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, said at a daily briefing that she would offer "nothing at all" on the subject.
President Clinton virtually refused to see his CIA Director and almost never read the Presidential Daily Briefing prepared to ensure he was aware of emerging threats and other priority intelligence developments.
"The secretary-general deplores these acts of deliberate violence against those who are making every effort to alleviate the dire suffering of Somali and Afghan citizens, " Ban's spokeswoman Michele Montas said at Monday's daily briefing in New York.
"The president will meet with families of those that lost a loved one last week, as well as speak to the larger memorial that will take place at the base, " White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said in his daily briefing Monday.
CNN: Investigators look for missed signals in Fort Hood probe
From an overnight memo from his National Security Advisor, to a Presidential Daily Briefing that was 40 minutes in length and focused entirely on Egypt, and on through the day, the President and much of the White House spent the day focused on the unfolding situation in Egypt.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei emphasized the point at a daily press briefing on Friday.
Obviously some portion of his daily intelligence briefing is dedicated to the situation in Haiti.
He told a daily news briefing that "joint efforts" should be made to turn around a "tense situation".
BBC: News - North Korea 'readies rocket force' after US stealth flights
Those are the questions a journalist posed to the U.S. State Department during the November 28th Daily Press Briefing.
China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said at a daily news briefing that China has "expressed our regret" over Pyongyang's declaration.
Spokesmen for Negroponte point out the president gets a daily intelligence briefing.
At a daily press briefing on Monday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said China is in close communication with Pyongyang, without offering details.
On Wednesday, the North American contingent canceled a daily press briefing, citing concerns by the General Congregation about leaks to the Italian press.
In the daily Brussels briefing later an EC spokesman said "member states would benefit from a country like Britain being in the euro".
In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a daily news briefing that "joint efforts" should be made to turn around a "tense situation".