James Wilkes, who runs specialist maritime risk company Gray Page, which has been involved in negotiations in several hijackings in Somalia, says it can mean daily contact with pirates for several months.
It also prevented them from taking many daily adversities personally and interpreting them to mean that they didn't belong in general.
Adding 30, 000 new taxi licenses in France would mean more than 90, 000 daily taxi shifts: In other words, upwards of 90, 000 new jobs.
Nevertheless, it doesn't mean we don't work at it on a daily basis.
The changes would mean younger children spending about two more hours in school daily and the oldest children three more hours, he said.
This would mean more than 3 billion people would see its ads on an almost daily basis.
By comfortable I mean settle for following the particular style or clients that initially provided his daily bread.
FORBES: Rankin Is Starting A (Fourth) Magazine So He Doesn't Get Bored
The political color of City Hall might mean a lot to the different political parties, but it makes a daily, real difference to the lives of millions of Londoners.
The daily scrutiny of stockmarket analysts, and the likely high volatility of quarterly results, may mean no end of hassle from investors for the managers.
The intended joke is that no one in Hollywood really knows what "edgy" is supposed to mean, even though it gets bandied about in film development offices on a daily basis.
Britain's Daily Telegraph reports hospital admissions for tree-related accidents are down more than a third since 1999, which may mean fewer kids are climbing trees and instead hunched over PlayStations indoors.
Better yet, daily early morning flights to San Jose, two hours south of Sablayan by bus or air-con minivan, mean you can leave Manila in the morning and be diving on Apo Reef the same day.
"The device was shown to markedly improve patient's quality of life and their functional capacity, and by functional capacity I mean that they were able to exercise longer and they were able to perform more of their activities of daily living, " said lead researcher Dr. William Abraham of the University of Kentucky.