The company argues that the courts can't expand upon this by imposing excessive damage awards.
We cannot let the search for high-quality care be derailed by frivolous lawsuits and excessive damage awards.
Despite the credit rating, investors fear that punitive-damage awards could cripple the industry, or even wipe it out.
Although EchoStar has accrued substantial legal expenses and damage awards from both a jury and the judge they are dwarfed by its DVR revenues.
Others stated, however, that the potential for large damage awards from private lawsuits provides a reason to limit private rights of action.
FORBES: Will a 'Privacy Bill of Rights' Include the Right to Class Action Lawsuits?
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce says the courts need to establish clear standards for punitive damage awards, and that they must rein in abusive awards by juries.
This venue-shopping may also have cost the Northern plaintiffs a bit of the fees out of damage awards that went to Southern lawyers instead of into their pockets.
His book, Taxation of Damage Awards and Settlement Payments (4th Ed. 2009 with 2012 Supplement, Tax Institute), is in wide use by lawyers, judges, mediators and courts nationwide.
Specialised courts for patent disputes should be established, with technically minded judges in charge: the inflated patent-damage awards of recent years are largely the result of jury trials.
Big damage awards are especially associated with medical lawsuits.
Punitive damage awards now require a unanimous jury verdict.
With much less to gain in damage awards, lawyers acting for cities or private plaintiffs are likely to be far less persistent in pursuing gun makers if, as looks certain, they fight back with determination.
This has not been the first instance of government heavy-handedness--to wit, government's determination to punish innocent and guilty alike in the savings and loan debacle, the multibillion-dollar robbery of Texaco and the astronomically large damage awards meted out against some companies, such as McDonald's, when a customer successfully sued the fast-fooder for selling hot coffee that she spilled on her lap.