He faces allegations of negligence, illegal construction and persuading workers to enter a dangerous building.
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There was a very dangerous situation building up inside that theatre.
More people are building in dangerous areas, and insurers are responding with stricter coverage.
Our consumption of energy has been steadily growing, the costs are increasing, and in the process we are depleting vast amounts of fossil fuel reserves and building up dangerous levels of carbon gases and pollutants.
One building is simply too dangerous to enter and may have to be torn down.
Louis, the new structural beams had to be passed in through the slot windows when hauling them through the historic building was deemed too dangerous.
WSJ: The Library's Future Is Not an Open Book | By Julie V. Iovine | Public Library Renovation
Our success will also require freeing ourselves from the dangerous dependence on foreign oil by building a clean-energy economy, because we know that with this will not only come greater security and a safer environment, but new high-paying jobs of the future to replace those that we've lost.
"We'll be out there as long as daylight permits and again in the morning if the water recedes, " San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood said, adding that going into floodwaters was more dangerous for firefighters than entering a burning building.
Building new lines would be a dangerous and probably wasteful investment in this context.
She was trapped somewhere on the first floor of the building, and it was difficult and dangerous for the rescuers to reach her.
The university, which lies adjacent to the city of Boston, requested people stay away from the building as police considered the situation potentially dangerous.
And we have still tremendous threats out there, that are building, not declining, building, and to not recognize that, I think, is dangerous in the long run and dangerous for the world.
Assembly Majority Leader William Horne, D-Las Vegas, who had called Brooks "potentially dangerous" and said lawmakers didn't feel safe with him in the building, said Friday he was saddened by the arrest.
Such land is unstable and can be dangerous if foundations aren't properly built, said Mr. Mannan of the building-safety agency.
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The jury also found the building owners liable for failing to repair the elevator after being warned it might be dangerous.
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Italy's sudden entry into the industrial age in the 1960s meant the reckless building of houses and roads, the chopping down of trees, the burrowing of dangerous tunnels.