It is believed Fred Weatherly wrote Danny Boy while living at Combe Down, in Bath.
"Every time I hear Danny Boy I reach for a tissue because it makes me so sad, " he added.
She says Danny Boy is known worldwide and that Limavady should be proud of its links to the ballad.
Although regarded widely as an Irish anthem, Danny Boy's West Country origins are little-known and something of a mystery.
The Al-Sweady inquiry named after Hamid is examining claims that detainees were mistreated and killed in 2004 after the so-called Battle of Danny Boy.
BBC: Al-Sweady Inquiry: Iraq teenager was hanged, says uncle
'Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling' is the refrain and if Sinn Fein councillor Anne Brolly gets her way the people of Limavady will be hearing a lot more of it.
Peter Jack, a former chairman of the Danny Boy Festival in Limavady, said it was great the song was getting attention as a result of the proposal, but agreed that if any song is played often it can lose its magic.
What is clear is that on 14 May 2004, soldiers from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the Princess of Wales Royal Regiment fought with Iraqi insurgents at a checkpoint known to British soldiers as Danny Boy and that, after the battle, an order was issued to identify the Iraqi dead.
"Danny was a boy I was aware of from his time at Elland Road, " Watford manager Brendan Rogers told the Hornets' website.
This week Stephen King announced the sequel - based on the story of Danny, the young boy who survived the horrific events at the Overlook Hotel - would be published next year.
Doctor Sleep will follow Danny Torrance, the young boy who survived the horrific events of The Shining.
Then there was the lawyer Jackson had brought along, a bespectacled "good ol' boy" with an Arkansas drawl named Danny Traylor.
Ten years later, just as Anna is about to marry a good-natured man (Danny Huston) who has patiently wooed her for years, a ten-year-old boy shows up and announces that he is Sean reborn.
When Danny rises from his game, a rocket with the lettering Apollo 11 on it can be seen on the boy's jumper and he walks slowly towards room 237.
BBC: The Shining theories explored in spooky new documentary